BeatriceElysia: Hello,
I have unusual problem. Ever since quitting the university, I got lots of free time. I tried filling my time with reading books and gaming, but I'm fed up with that. I kind of wish to do something and have some stocks to fill my pockets, not much though.
I mostly eat, sleep, game/read all day long.
I don't have
friends (I just visit my old aunt from time to time)
So any help or suggestion to fill my time would be great.
EDIT: I'm looking for a job, but my situation with mental health and living in small city + lack of xp and ed means I don't have lots of chances landing a job soon.
I would learn an instrument. It's never too late. Acoustic guitar is a fine choice, and typically takes as much of your free time as you're willing to invest. Also, the likelihood of bothering neighbours while playing an acoustic is slim, unless you're banging the crap out of it.
I would also suggest making a throwaway account on reddit and discovering some subreddits (Think sub forums) that match your interests. You can get lost for hours on Reddit. Like I said, make a throwaway account though, some people on there can be really.... peculiar.
You could also make a twitter account and follow your favourite actors and actresses, or sports teams, or game developers. It is social media, but if you don't get involved in the worldwide political convos on there, you should be fine.
I use Twitter and Reddit and both take up at least 2 hours of my free time daily. I also play guitar as needed. Another thing you can do is save some dosh and buy yourself a console like a playstation 4 or a nintendo switch.