nightcraw1er.488: Size isn't everything.
Fairfox: But I am so,
so shallow and have judged by size before... :/ :(
Licurg: Banished became one of my favorite city-builders from the very first time I played it. Trust me - you'll like it .
Fairfox: Alrighty, I'll definitely give it a whirl when I unlock it rather than give it away; I don't usually have the patience for games like this, but then I used to play Sim City 2000 to death as a wee thing (or as a weeling, as I like to call it), so what do I know? Woo.
One of the things I liked about Banished is that you don't have to fear another city coming along and declaring war on you, then raiding you and burning your settlement to the ground.
You only have to fear starvation, winter, and... Chuck Norris.
The last is for real life. Just keep looking over your shoulder. He could bust through a window at any moment and karate chop you to death.
It could happen!