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low rated
I need help on what computer to buy that can play all of steam and gog games. I’m not computer savvy so don’t understand all the specs. I found one at Best Buy for around 1250
Your choice to buy a prebuilt PC. But if you have free time it's worth the investment in researching parts and piecing one together yourself. You will be more satisfied, save money, and have better quality components. If not and you want one quickly and would still rather buy one, have it assembled by a gaming company like Cyberpower or something. Have it shipped to you. Best Buy is gonna cost a fortune for a very mediocre machine.

Now days they are easy enough to put together piece by piece with a bit of reading and maybe videos online. If you have specific questions about parts and such I will try to help.

Games are varied based on how much resources they require from gaming components(called specs). Ones with better GFX take more RAM, more expensive GFX cards, and CPU's(central processor unit). Atleast to run at maximum settings. There are also some finer details in latency, refresh rates and stuff involved in competitive gaming. Some games do not require much resources and can be ran without costly components.

With sales you can build a solid machine for a great price. Excluding the display and peripherals. If you're not trolling I can walk you through it pretty quickly and explain the basics.
Post edited August 15, 2018 by mastro_akq
Stop spamming the forums with your threads.
sealion: what settings are you looking to play FFXV at? That would be important as you say all of Steam and GOG games. To a lesser extent, what resolution do you wanna play GTAV maxed out at? The answers to those 2 questions along with the FPS desired for FFXV will tell you if it's good or not. I echo looking for parts. Right off the bat I can tell you would probably need a higher-wattage PSU and a better GPU (could spend as much as the PC on the GPU if you want top-of-the-line) as well as more HDD space.
Post edited August 15, 2018 by wizisi2k
It’s not spam. I legitimately am asking for help in what computer to buy. I don’t have any friends that know . I Am not interested in building one as I don’t have time or enough knowledge. I like the newer games offered on steam and gog that are retro in style like Zelda from the 90s and retro style platformers but are newer games being released last year and this year . I reached out to these forums figuring people have lots of knowledge .
1sealion: It’s not spam. I legitimately am asking for help in what computer to buy. I don’t have any friends that know . I Am not interested in building one as I don’t have time or enough knowledge. I like the newer games offered on steam and gog that are retro in style like Zelda from the 90s and retro style platformers but are newer games being released last year and this year . I reached out to these forums figuring people have lots of knowledge .
Why not just bump your other thread instead of making a new one?
1sealion: It’s not spam.
Yes it is because you're creating multiple identical topics in the forum.

It's not even beneficial to you since all it does is fragment answers over multiple threads making it harder for you to follow. Plus it annoys people and makes them less inclined to help you in either thread.
In the other threads, I had other questions and people did not reply so I created a new one
Just bump the old thread, this is at least the third one with basically the same question.
1sealion: I need help on what computer to buy that can play all of steam and gog games. I’m not computer savvy so don’t understand all the specs. I found one at Best Buy for around 1250
Wait is my recommendation. New hardware is coming out next week that will change the whole game.

Otherwise, go here:.

Find a 5-egg pc in your price range and you should be okay.
1sealion: I need help on what computer to buy that can play all of steam and gog games. I’m not computer savvy so don’t understand all the specs. I found one at Best Buy for around 1250
As people have already said, if you have the time and inclination, building a PC will give you the most flexibility and usually the best price (although GPU prices have seemingly upended that ATM), but since you claim to to "not (be) computer savvy" (not a crime BTW) and building a machine alone without experience can be both aggravating and costly...

... and since you obviously have a Best Buy near to you...

... I would suggest (again, just a suggestion) you looking at the Omens. I've looked at the 30L myself when I wanted a pre-made machine that had good specs and was somewhat upgradeable.

and look at one of the various Omen configurations at the bottom of this Best Buy page...

For around $1800 you should be able to get a machine that can be somewhat upgradeable and should be able to play most games at relatively high levels. With a few upgrades over time, it should be pretty capable for a number of years.

I'd start by taking a look at the Omen reviews on YouTube.

Hope you find something!
Post edited February 23, 2022 by kai2
It's a three and a half year old thread... 0.o
The thread has been necroed, so it's clearly outdated. I'm closing it.