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way to many, will run out of hate skills if i start naming them
Pretty much every Rare Software and Nintendo game.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I 'd rather throw my money in shady third parties, and GLADLY i might add, instead of EVER again throwing a SINGLE CENT the Blizzard's way!
Players got the most money out of the RMAH, not Blizz.

KiNgBrAdLeY7: just to see HOW MANY actually believe that F.A.C.T.! Over and out. Let Diablo 3 die. Miserably, as it should.
It's not a fact, it's an opinion. Opinion that is predominantly aimed at launch Diablo 3 and not what it became after.
Some people just jump on the bandwagon without playing the game to boot. I might've not played the launch Diablo 3 but still played enough of it back when AH/RMAH was a thing and good drops were scarce and it wasn't -that- bad.
Obviously, after the patches started rolling in it got better and better. It's not perfect still by any means but people who discredit what it is now based on what it was shouldn't voice their opinions as facts.

KiNgBrAdLeY7: Oh, and a simple question, dear fanboy,
How am I a fanboy? Because I said that RMAH on its own isn't that bad of a thing when the game didn't even have leaderboards of any sort? Or that you shouldn't think it's literally the same deal it was at launch?
That's absurd.

KiNgBrAdLeY7: IF they wanted to make an AUCTION HOUSE, WHY wasn't it in IN-GAME money/currency
Now I'm questioning if you even touched the game as the game DID have an auction house that operated with in-game gold.

KiNgBrAdLeY7: Huh? Wouldn't THAT render 3d parties useless and with greater ease?
No. WoW, RuneScape, basically any MMO or game with currency and trading has tons of RWT going on even with in-game currency auction houses. People will buy stuff with real money so they can avoid grind.
Post edited October 14, 2015 by Yrtti
Platformers... I suck at them, they are frustrating for me so I really don't like them. I do try sometimes to play one but give up pretty quick.
I have a particular dislike to Oblivion, Final Fantasy 13, Hitman: Absolution, Ninja Gaiden 3 and Metal Gear Solid: Rising: Revengance. DMC is dangerously close to pissing me off, luckily I completely ignore that one, but now your making me remember... Dante you will pull through man, please.

But I mostly try to focus on games that arn't totally ruined and I'm happy again.
Post edited October 14, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I 'd rather throw my money in shady third parties, and GLADLY i might add, instead of EVER again throwing a SINGLE CENT the Blizzard's way!
Yrtti: Players got the most money out of the RMAH, not Blizz.
I would point out that Blizzard get a cut every time a real money transaction is made.

And they artificially make the loot drop bad so you can hardly beat the game unless you buy some good items.
Gnostic: I would point out that Blizzard get a cut every time a real money transaction is made.

And they artificially make the loot drop bad so you can hardly beat the game unless you buy some good items.
Yes, they got a cut but players still made the most money out of it.

As for the 2hard it was that at first but by the time I played I could go solo and without using AH (gold or RMAH) beat Inferno and that was like 6-8 months before 2.0 dropped.
Star Wars: Tie Fighter (1995 CD version), where they put a seemingly impossible mission near the very end.

Rise of Nations Gold, for its stupid 90 minute time limits for battles.
Post edited October 14, 2015 by timppu
The Witcher. Mostly I just hate the writing. It practically screams "I blast Linkin Park out of my tricked out late 90s Honda Civic while smoking cigarettes and cursing quietly under my breath at people on the other side of the street, LOOK HOW FREAKING EDGY I AM MOM!".

Fallout 3. God awful writing, even by Bethesda's standards. Fails at following even the most basic parts of the established lore. The non-licensed music sucks. Graphically it's ugly as sin, even by Bethesda standards. Bad voice acting for every single character. The fact that Little Lamplight and Big Town were even thought of, much less actually implemented into the game. Stupid world in general. The only thing it has going for it is passable combat, and that's just passable. I tried to like it...but I don't.
Rant time ;p

Guild Wars 2, big time hate.

Paid over the odds for pre-purchase (more so as they used £=$=euro crap). Gained mini pets, an elite spell etc.
Months after game went live, they stuck all of that in games store for anyone to get for free/game gold :$

A game that seemed promising & started off fairly well. With promises like "No gear grind" which they then added & said "We never said there would never be a gear grind, you misunderstood us" & took down the pages/videos that stated no grind.

Ascended gear was added with massive grind & advantages, then Legendary gained resettable stats.

Bloody awful camera. As a full size Char (humanoid cat thing) if you entered any small area/room, the camera would regularly try to give you a seizure. They "fixed" the camera a year later, but then it would regularly go inside your char` so you couldn`t see sod all.

Balancing, they said WvWvW (3 servers fighting), spvp (battlegrounds) & pve would all have separate balancing. Turned out only to be WvWs & spvp in one balance & pve separately. They also constantly screwed over the classes/builds that didn`t need nerfing & left the OP ones alone.

Thief stealth, something that they said "There`ll be no perma-stealth in game" turned out they could with ease.
Even Idiotnet (ahem, arenanet) devs struggled against Thief` on live stream & said "you may as well ignore them, you can`t catch them).
Their "fix". Spend pricey talent points to buy stealth traps that trigger anti-stealth. Riiiiiiiight, except these triggered when anyone/thing went over them & considering Thief had fastest movement, was pointless anyway lol

Elementalist, class I played. Because those of us that were skilled (we were few) could almost seem god like in pvp (Ele` in pve? Yeah, none existent...), they nerfed us, constantly. All classes had escape/catch up mechanics that got left alone.
Ride the lightning on Ele` got a "if you don`t hit a player/mob at end of spell use, your CD gets doubled".
When asked live on stream if blocks etc would trigger it, the two devs looked blankly at each other & said "No, it shouldn`t do"....It did.

Ele` again. Almost a year in & doing Mad Kings dungeon with four others (after I`d solo`d it first time). Some places had long drops & mobs there. Any time I dropped, I had to panic to heal whilst being attacked at 5-10%hp, whilst others had over 50% (Oh, also Ele` had lowest armour/hp & damage).
One of them asked why I didn`t use the trait (talent/skill point) for Falling damage reduction. When I said "Hruh, no such thing exists", he even went online to prove me wrong. Turns out every class except for Ele` had this. 1.5 years later we got it for 20 points, all others for 10...

Paid server swaps added, just as WvWs league & rewards kicked in.
All of our (Underworlds`) biggest guilds left to top tier servers for the rewards, making our server drop (we used to avg tier 7-14) & is now permanently bottom place, total ghost time last time I played.

& so on & so on &....

Show how bad it is, I returned to Guild Wars (a now ten year old game with thousands of spell combo`) & it`s not only more fun, but better balanced lol
Also a brilliant set of stories & I rarely take notice of lore.
I truly hate Deus Ex Human Revolution and can't get over the fact that it's almost univerally loved. It's just a soulless plastic no fun game to me with annoying elements like third person cover, takedowns and auto health. I have tried gettting in to it like 5 times but every time it feels even worse because I play a little more than before in hope to 'get it'. But at least it's better than Invisble War, I give it that.
Funny, I was just listening to the soundtrack and thinking how much I love Human Revolution right now. :P
KiNgBrAdLeY7: ...snip
Infinity Engine Remakes
Oh yes, forgot those money grabs. Here's a game you own 6 copies of, we have just added some bugs, ruined balance, added a widescreen patch, and locked all further content to this version so you have to pay us more money mwuhahaha!

Fecking ejits.
NoNewTaleToTell: The Witcher. Mostly I just hate the writing. It practically screams "I blast Linkin Park out of my tricked out late 90s Honda Civic while smoking cigarettes and cursing quietly under my breath at people on the other side of the street, LOOK HOW FREAKING EDGY I AM MOM!".
I don't particularly care for Witcher myself but you're playing some bizarro Witcher it seems.
I don't tend to buy/play games that I know I will dislike. But I do have a particular hatred for the fanbases of Bioware ("This game needs transgender genderfluid otherkin Dwarves or it's racist!") and Bethesda ("There were Fallout games before 3?").