Orpheus-GOG: Please don't get this the wrong way but I'm curious. You have 67 games...for like 500 people (yeah, IK I'm exaggerating but not by much lol).
Your post is number #89 in this thread. That means that at most there's 88 people in for this giveaway at this point (in reality it's fewer). Doc also said that there might be more games coming. In his previous giveaway, he managed to gift a game to all but a handful of people who entered,
165 games total.
Orpheus-GOG: No offense but...shouldn't you be doing...IDK...
something by now? Like publicly announcing "X, Y and Z have already been given away" or something along those lines? =\
This giveaway doesn't work on a first-come, first-served basis. Everyone has a week to enter. Only then will games be distributed, with participants sorted in a random order, and their top game that's still available given (which means that someone entering now has as much chance of getting a specific game X as the very first person to ask for it).