farmert: Due to the deadly disease, I cannot work any heavy lifting job anymore.
Are you dying because of your ailments? They didn't sound deadly.
Also becoming a streamer/video person is something that takes a lot of work. It's not about making content, it's about your marketing. If you can't get 4,000 people to see a tweet/facebook post then you can't get the same to watch your videos on a regular basis. You need to build your own brand and community. Lots of people do what they see and think that if they just keep on making content that the rest will come. It doesn't work that way at all.
So don't plan on it succeeding if you don't understand all of the variables. It's fine to get encouragement but you can't become a profitable streamer through pity. You need a business model and business skills. You have to turn yourself into a product that thousands of people want to have on a regular basis. You're not going to get there in the near future with the way you're going right now.