ariaspi: It's based on the SMART attributes, so I assume it's precise enough. It will probably display some warnings if values go past safe limits. If you use DiskCheckup, you'll see what those attributes really mean, it has tool tips for each one. And if you see something strange or don't understand it, always google it.
In defraggler my dying drive is specified to have a good health, but I suppose it's because it can't get all the SMART data.
Okay, I'll take a look at it !
ariaspi: Congrats on the new Toshiba and good that others recommend it too. :)
Yeah :D That was a very nice finding for this price, thanks again ;)
ariaspi: Probably not, especially as an external drive you'll use it less often, but don't keep important data only on it. Buy another external drive in the fallowing months if you save some money. Preferably WD or Toshiba. :P
Well... It was supposed to be
the drive for backups :P And the dying drive added a big unplanned expense, so... I hope it will last at least 1-2 years without hiccups. And I hope I haven't just spend several days backing up everything in a drive who is only waiting to suddenly die too, or awaiting to corrupt my data.
But I have the hope things can go well sometimes *cross fingers* And yes, I'll only use it to do backups, so not accessing & manipulating files a lot everyday should help hopefully :)
But next time, even if it won't be soon, I'll certainly go Toshiba or WD ;)
Pouyou-pouyou: I have really no idea, but the fact that after a quick search, I found no important results about failures seems to be good news.
Ah, nice to hear, that's already a lot reassuring :) (and what GR00T said
HereForTheBeer: I wouldn't call SlimDrivers must-have, but it has been helpful and reliable when I've used it.
I'll certainly try it Wednesday too (it or maybe DriverPack Solution, I'll see, maybe the two !), when I'll install Windows ;) I'll let you how it'll work for me if I try it :)
timppu: [...] Maybe I'll still try e.g. Intel's own driver scanner, but on the Acer it couldn't find shit.
You really seems very unlucky with comp', you've all my sympathy :P
So, some news !
After 48 hours of continuous (& very slow) copy, I almost saved everything I really wanted so it's great ! :)
Now I'm copying the last less crucial files which will take quite some time too, but my plans are... to download an image of windows 7 for the future install, and... waiting for my new hdd which should arrive Tuesday (I miss my comp', I hope things will go smoothly XD).
Concerning this : how shall I proceed ? I'm mean... I simply put the hdd into the comp' (bios will recognize it automatically?), turn the comp' on, put the dvd or USB and launch the install of Windows 7 ? (of course I'll go into the bios to start through the dvd :)) The hdd doesn't need any special operation before windows installation ?
Are there advices for the Windows installation ? Should I do several partitions like I'm planning to do ?