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I cleaned out the stuff from my childhood home and found some awesome games. Perhaps some of you would like to have a look at them.

Let me know if you want me to take images of the inside, booklets or disks. :)
bilde_050915 (240 Kb)
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bilde_050915 (209 Kb)
RaggyRock: I cleaned out the stuff from my childhood home and found some awesome games. Perhaps some of you would like to have a look at them.

Let me know if you want me to take images of the inside, booklets or disks. :)
Your childhood?

Damn I feel old...
Very mice collection you have got there.
I never got a chance to play those in my childhood.
RaggyRock: I cleaned out the stuff from my childhood home and found some awesome games. Perhaps some of you would like to have a look at them.

Let me know if you want me to take images of the inside, booklets or disks. :)
OMG, you own a hardcopy of Dink Smallwood?? I wonder if that's a collector's item.
BlueMooner: OMG, you own a hardcopy of Dink Smallwood?? I wonder if that's a collector's item.
If it is I shouldn't have returned my friends' copy.
RaggyRock: I cleaned out the stuff from my childhood home and found some awesome games. Perhaps some of you would like to have a look at them.

Let me know if you want me to take images of the inside, booklets or disks. :)
BlueMooner: OMG, you own a hardcopy of Dink Smallwood?? I wonder if that's a collector's item.
Hehe, yes I do. I have to booklet and boks somewhere at my childhood home still. I remember playing the demo of Dink Smallwood, and jumped at the first opertunity to purchase the game when it came out.
RaggyRock: I cleaned out the stuff from my childhood home and found some awesome games. Perhaps some of you would like to have a look at them.

Let me know if you want me to take images of the inside, booklets or disks. :)
toxicTom: Your childhood?

Damn I feel old...
*pats Your back* ... dont worry. We all feel old at some time. But it should be noted, that I do not have any of the floppydisk games anymore. I used to have a copy of doom, Ninja Rabbit, Duck Tales (not sure of the title), SimFarm and some other titles. I am 30 :P
Post edited September 05, 2015 by RaggyRock
Would be great if I could "activate" these games on gog. So that I would not have to repurchase them all (I have purchased most of them alreddy).
RaggyRock: Would be great if I could "activate" these games on gog. So that I would not have to repurchase them all (I have purchased most of them alreddy).
GOG already allows a certain few games to be redeemed, based on code (you need the code provided with the retail package, though). And they even promised to expand on that, in distant future. Logically, though, no one should keep too many hopes up. Most retail codes are usually Steam-redeemable, even concerning games that aren't steam only. And then, Steam identifies and allows redemption of CERTAIN keys, with CERTAIN FORMAT, not everything or anything, even if that specific product already exists in steam store already.

Try to redeem in Steam/Origin, first. Because in gog, redeems are a very long way from coming up. I myself redeemed certain games there on those two, even though i hate them both and have been an exclusive gog gamer/customer for years now.

That red alert 2, though, smexy game. Too bad you didn't get its expansion, it was pure epic win. Ah, and sad thing about redeeming on Steam or Origin, is that you are NOT guaranteed to be able to play the games you redeem smoothly, if at all, especially concerning OLD ones. Only GOG as a service, constantly tweaks and modifies OLDIES, so they can be executed normally on modern systems. And Steam's support is abyssal and epic fail, god help you should you ever need that, at best (9/10 they redirect you to the specific game's developer you had issues with instead of helping you solve it or answers your ticket with random nonsense).
Post edited September 05, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Its always nice to take a trek down memory lane, I've only played about four of your games, but they were good ones.

And since I'm already here (on memory lane), here's a picture of some of the games that I still have from my childhood.
Your childhood was for pussies! Here's mine:
childhood.jpg (243 Kb)
amrit9037: Very mice collection you have got there.
I never got a chance to play those in my childhood.
Neither did I, because I was in my late twenties when they came out. :P
F4LL0UT: Your childhood was for pussies! Here's mine:
pfff, i only posted the pc-games of my youth. I have an extensive Collection of PS2 games. Including all of Silent Hill (except of 1 naturally).
SpeedBo: Its always nice to take a trek down memory lane, I've only played about four of your games, but they were good ones.

And since I'm already here (on memory lane), here's a picture of some of the games that I still have from my childhood.
Nice Collection. Theme Hospital was frequently played in my home. Age of Empires was also a must :)
Post edited September 05, 2015 by RaggyRock
Your childhood wasn't awesome. It was incredible.

Also, fellow Pro Skater fan?
I own mostly Blizzard Boxes and games (When it comes to PC game cases with stuff in it, Blizzard was the KING)

I got Diablo Battlechest which also has Diablo 1

Stacraft battlechest.

Warcraft 3 Battlecest.

I got none Blizzard games in disc like Mechwarrior 3 and Rise of Nations Gold.

I used to have Battlefield 1942 CDs, Half Life GOTY box, Call of Duty 1 on PC Disc aswell.
fablefire: Your childhood wasn't awesome. It was incredible.

Also, fellow Pro Skater fan?
Pro Skater and SSX are the only sport-related games, which I love :D
Elmofongo: I own mostly Blizzard Boxes and games (When it comes to PC game cases with stuff in it, Blizzard was the KING)

I got Diablo Battlechest which also has Diablo 1

Stacraft battlechest.

Warcraft 3 Battlecest.

I got none Blizzard games in disc like Mechwarrior 3 and Rise of Nations Gold.

I used to have Battlefield 1942 CDs, Half Life GOTY box, Call of Duty 1 on PC Disc aswell.
I have a boxed copy of Starcraft 1, Warcraft 3 + expansion and Diablo 2 + expansion somewhere.
Post edited September 05, 2015 by RaggyRock