mystikmind2000: In the distant future, scientists will discover how to detect doorways to another dimension... strangely, they only found these doorways in couches!
These naturally occurring doorways are only one way.... things can fall in, but nothing can fall out. As soon as the scientists found a way to reverse this effect, they were immediately swamped with mountains of odd socks, pens and scissors!
Interestingly, only those particular items can pass through the dimensional rift, no one can explain any possible logical reason for this?? hehehehe
Additionally, no one can explain how odd socks got there given that people rarely take their socks off near couches,,, this is a total unsolvable mystery that only the socks themselves know the secret!
Hmm. That means the couch and the dryer are linked. Because we all know that dryers like socks. Well, one sock anyway.