Klumpen0815: I'd rather have people reading (translated) mean passages out of the quran in the open and showing around pictures of people stoned/mutilated/executed by muslims after quran law, so they can see what pi-people are actually defending than creating such trolling like this game, but I'm not opposed to it either and after all there are way worse pieces of "art" out there, thinking of the human centipede for example.
Religion itself is the biggest troll on the planet. I can't even begin to describe how offensive I find religion, especially the ones that make such big claims for themselves as Islam. Satire and ridicule are a perfectly appropriate reaction.
Strijkbout: Let me get this straight, you think it is okay to ridicule/demonize an entire religion because it has rogue elements that abuse it?
Yes it's ok to ridicule an entire religion, without limits. Why on Earth would any sane person think religion should be exempt from ridicule? How big or small the rogue element is in any religion is irrelevant in that regard.
Soccorro: how is that game going to help anyone?
Games aren't there to help, there here to entertain. I find this entertaining. If you don't find it entertaining, play something else.