Khadgar42: And lest I forgot.
Always remember - you big headed idiots! It does never help to insult the other obnoxious trolls which are replying to your stupid posts. Morons and imbeciles and twats like you just insult each others! Now piss off and enjoy your miserable weekend before it's Monday again...
Strijkbout: Thanks, but that guy started it himself and
got personal in the first reply he gave me, I tried to be reasonable for a time but that only goes so far with me before the gloves come off and I recognize an extremist nutjob when I see one. :^)
Evidence shows otherwise, here's my
first reply to you:
You wrote: " Let me get this straight, you think it is okay to ridicule/demonize an entire religion because it has rogue elements that abuse it?"
To which I replied: "Yes it's ok to ridicule an entire religion, without limits. Why on Earth would any sane person think religion should be exempt from ridicule? How big or small the rogue element is in any religion is irrelevant in that regard."
Note that I didn't call you insane and therefor didn't insult you in that post. It was a fair question, why indeed would any sane person think religion should be exempt from ridicule? If there is a viable reason, surely it can be debated.
As for you trying to be reasonable, another myth that can easily be debunked:
Your very
first post in this thread was asking OP to put his address on the GOG wishlist he made for the game "so that assassins would know where to find him".
One of the most unsavory comments I've ever seen on these boards. If you think the game or the thread or the wishlist is stupid, you're welcome to share that opinion, fair enough. But instead, you decided to use freedom of speech to sabotage other people's freedom of speech and tried to do this via spreading fear from the very get-go. Fear is the path to the dark side, and you know what it leads to, even a fictional little green muppet knows it: You may not care about your own freedom of speech (which you never had to fight for because it was already there when you were born) but out of courtesy to future generations, don't throw out of the window what others after you might still want to have.
hedwards: His argument is bullshit is why I hold him in such low regards. The fact of the matter is that if there were something in that video worth my time, you should have enumerated it so that I didn't have to watch the video. I started watching the video and stopped when he started to go off on relativism. If you can't do that, then you shouldn't be linking to it. It's just common courtesy.
Common courtesy is listening to what the person and in this case Hitchens has to say and then giving a reason why it's bullshit before calling it bullshit. You haven't given any reasons.
I don't have to enumerate any specific points he makes in the video because I agree with him on everything he says in the video and clearly said so, not just any specific part. All I did was invite you to watch it as it directly relates to the topic here. You're under no obligation to watch it if 20 minutes is too long.
hedwards: Life is way too short to argue with somebody that's misapplying post-modernism rather than acknowledging that the boundaries are a bit soft and case by case.
I agree with you that life is too short for what we are doing here but yet we -are- here ("we" including you, as well), arguing with perhaps nothing really constructive coming out of it for anyone involved. Not that I expected anything else to happen, however the thread had to be made imho and everyone who posted in here is responsible for the length the thread has, including the detractors.
hedwards: You think Christians don't do that? The big difference here is that Christians are more likely to live in countries with a large amount of wealth and military might to back it up. If you actually bother to read up on things like the terrorist groups in the Middle East, they weren't there before we started meddling in their affairs.
The influence of Western military presence in the Middle East is a related topic but would deserve an entirely separate discussion, an interesting one to debate. I'm mainly interested in discussing the topic of how and why religion at large (including Islam in this particular case) should -not- be exempt from ridicule and why it shouldn't be used as a tool to cut back on freedom of speech because that's a very dangerous thing to do, an inexcusable step backwards.
hedwards: I see, so in other words, you're not responsible for your contribution to the problem, gotcha. So, if I start talking smack about that 6'3" 275lbs., linebacker's mother I'm not at all responsible for the consequences. That's a wonderful way of looking at things. That's just how the human brain functions.
Answering with violence is how the
uncivilized human brain functions, yes, including that of the leader of one of the biggest fear factories: If you insult a linebacker's mother and he physically assaults you, then that's entirely his responsibility, he makes that choice. Insulting anyone's mother is an asshat move and something no one should never do because it's cowardly and a weak move to play but hitting someone as retaliation for verbal insult is never justifiable. In fact, what Pope Francis says in the video above is hate speech in my opinion, far more than anything said in this thread. Violence is a line that you don't cross for verbal insult, ever.
If someone insults your mom, insult them back with a more sophisticated insult that actually hits home. Anyone insulting your mom is likely a turd and it should be easy to immediately find something with which to verbally smite them down. Or you can laugh at them, or ignore them. Physical assault, not an option. Whoever resorts to it shall have no excuse and should in my opinion not be given less punishment by the law due to "temporary unsoundness of mind".