Posted February 13, 2015
Слава России! ура́
KiNgBrAdLeY7 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2012
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Land Shark
Crewdroog Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted February 13, 2015
now if you want a REAL PhD, may I tell you about my courses in cryptozoology? For only 15,000 USD per credit, you can learn all about not finding big foot, the loch ness monster and the chupacabra. Plus, I teach a summer course on how to take out of focus pictures and videos.
Find me in STEAM OT
TRUMP MUST F U C K I N G HANG Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 13, 2015
Silly game mention ---> Silly game raves ---> Silly game jeers ---> Silly game debate ---> Gaming debate ---> Ethics debate ---> Ethics IN gaming debate ---> Religion debate ---> Tolerance debate ---> Religious tolerance debate ---> Hitler ---> Rationality ---> Circumcision ---> Health care ---> I think your medical degree is a fake.
Okay there a brief synapse of this thread.
I hope everyone here can appreciate how totally screwed up we all are. :P
Okay there a brief synapse of this thread.
I hope everyone here can appreciate how totally screwed up we all are. :P
Land Shark
Crewdroog Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted February 13, 2015
tinyE: Silly game mention ---> Silly game raves ---> Silly game jeers ---> Silly game debate ---> Gaming debate ---> Ethics debate ---> Ethics IN gaming debate ---> Religion debate ---> Tolerance debate ---> Religious tolerance debate ---> Hitler ---> Rationality ---> Circumcision ---> Health care ---> I think your medical degree is a fake.
Okay there a brief synapse of this thread.
I hope everyone here can appreciate how totally screwed up we all are. :P
i revel in my screwed up-ed-ness. *dances* Okay there a brief synapse of this thread.
I hope everyone here can appreciate how totally screwed up we all are. :P
have you ever thought about a career in cryptozoology? *hands tinyE a pamphlet*
New User
Garrison72 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted February 13, 2015
No way is GoG carrying this when they changed an Islamic styled tapestry in TW2. That said, the game needs to exist because certain religious people need to learn to take offense a bit better.
Post edited February 13, 2015 by Garrison72
Hardcore Farmer
Soccorro Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
buy Evil Genius
hedwards Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
New User
Garrison72 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted February 13, 2015
Garrison72: No way is GoG carrying this when they changed an Islamic styled tapestry in TW2. That said, the game needs to exist because certain religious people need to learn to take offense a bit better.
hedwards: And how exactly is that going to be accomplished by insulting their religion and making it easier to cast us as the enemy? Post edited February 13, 2015 by Garrison72
maskless bandit
awalterj Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Nov 2013
From Switzerland
Posted February 13, 2015
Crewdroog: on the "faith is defined as actions of the followers"... What are the numbers of Muslims? What percentage of them are peaceful and follow, for the most part, a moral life (as defined by modern, 1st world conventions)? How does this percentage measure up to the rest of the world's religions?
These questions pop up in the same way at the same time in every discussion about the topic. I apologize in advance for the audacity of giving you yet more "homework" aka videos to watch but this is important stuff, and I was fortunate enough to find videos that address the issues and questions at hand in a way I can approve of so this saves me a lot of typing. This may appear as the lazy way out but it's the most efficient way as there's no point in spending so much energy and time when I can communicate the exact things I want to say with less effort:
Brigitte Gabriel:
Christopher Hitchens: (I don't always agree with Hitchens on everything but I agree with everything he says in these videos)
Soccorro: I've actually had some insight on that honor thing. It is something i always questioned. They cannot even describe it, its just "there". of course it has to do something with islam itself. at least thats what they refer to when trying to explain "honor". and yes, if you turn away from islam, that is like sentencing yourself to death in some muslim countries. I am fully aware of that. i have had my own bad experience with that religion, or at least the way its tought and lived. I have been forced into circumsicion. Still makes me cringe. Still think, that islam itself is on the same level as christianity, judaism. Completely unnecessary.
I agree with you that all religions are equally unnecessary but they aren't all equal in terms of troublemaking at the same time. In present times, Islam (via overly motivated followers) is causing clearly more trouble than Christianity or Judaism or any other religion. It's simply bonkers trying to build a case around the claim that all religions are equally responsible for causing trouble when all evidence is pointing to the contrary. A couple weeks ago, one of our cherished forum members pulled up some FBI statistic that claims there was more Jewish terrorism in the US than Muslim terrorism in a specific year (when in doubt, blame the Jews...right?). And tried to insinuate that US invasions of Muslim countries are Christian terrorism that are due to "Dominian strands in the US government". Not making this stuff up, this is the extent of apologetics one has to hear nowadays and it's always the same old.
When it's non-Muslims singing the everybody is equally bad song, it's usually just that they are too afraid to be called racist if they dared to point fingers at specific religions for specific problems. It's always ok to bash the Catholic Church for sexual child abuse but no we can't blame the Muslim world for honor killings and the sort, now that would be so racist. Only problem is, Islam isn't a race. And when Islam is implemented into the legal system via Sharia law, I would go a step further and say it doesn't even deserve to be called a religion but a political system instead. And as a political system, it can't claim to be protected from satire and complete ridicule. Even as a religion it deserves ridicule because it arrogantly puts dibs on being the final divine revelation ("we has the last word!") but no one would go out of their way to insult Islam if it didn't trample into the porcelain store like an elephant in a very political way, telling you what you can and can't say, who you can do the hanky panky with and so on. It's political Islam that should get and does get most of the ridicule. And since Muhammad is the main politician of this political party, guess what? He is not exempt from ridicule, either.
awalterj: Since you don't know what I've said to my friend and what not, this is a perfect example of argument from ignorance.
But I find it oddly flattering that you seem so bent on having my friend cut off my head so you'll no longer have to deal with me.
Strijkbout: Strange, you get flattered but I don't care about you at all, still I'm pretty certain I'm not ignorant enough like your friend to see what sort of person you are and that blowing off you head was my exagerated way so for you to see the point which you clearly haven't. But I find it oddly flattering that you seem so bent on having my friend cut off my head so you'll no longer have to deal with me.
The only question is when you will be so kind as to upgrade me from half nazi to full nazi. I feel I've been slacking it seems, as according to schedule you're supposed to afford me full nazi status in all its glory by now...
Nobody said Islam needs to be wiped off, personally I think it needs to be reformed from within rather than violently fought from the outside, unless it's acute like ISIS who are waaay too far gone and need to be taken out by force. There is no hope that extremists like ISIS will ever grow up, they are evolving backwards rather than forwards and there's no fixing that.
So I think reformists like Irshad Manji and other counter-narrative offering Muslims like Maajid Nawaz need to be given as much of a platform as possible and channels like Fox shouldn't have disgusting radicals like Anjem Choudary on anymore, one time is enough to see what they are about but that's it. Better focus on the constructive members of the community.
It's quite unfortunate that neither Irshad Manji nor Maajid Nawaz have much support from the establishment in the mainstream Muslim community, however the younger generations are changing and many are open towards these new views. That's the Obi wan Kenobi hope, the best one imho.
I quickly want to say my opinion too and after I say my stuff you're immediately only allowed to talk about flying blue elephants.
hedwards: Free speech absolutists are extremists and shouldn't be encouraged. Few people would argue that fraud, and fraudulent death threats should be protected free speech, which undermines the whole argument that free speech should be unlimited.
I invite you to watch the Cristopher Hitchens videos I posted above. Especially this one:
hedwards: I think the fact that they're using the profit Muhammad for this really takes away from the boundary pushing. There's enough bigotry directed as Islam as it is, we don't need more under a faux political shroud.
Let me rephrase that: There's enough bigotry coming from political Islam as it is, we don't need more under a faux religious shroud. Also, while there exists unwarranted bigotry towards Muslims in general, there can generally be no such a thing as bigotry against political Islam aka Islamism, because bigotry is defined as irrational dislike and there's nothing irrational about disliking political Islam.
Decatonkeil: Some people have a kids' idea of what freedom of speech entails. Nothing is really won from this. it doesn't help us to look at the problem from a new perspective. Let them pat themselves in the back I guess... Even the Charlie Hebdo caricatures that so offended the radical Islamists were not insulting their prophet so much as they were calling fundamentalists retards. The object was not to attack an entire religion, but fundamentalists. But you know how those rallies reivindicating Charlie Hebdo went, right? All of those hypocrite politicians that would (and have, recently) limit freedom of speech in their own civilised western countries in the extent that it can be used against them.
Yes, the politician's rally was a rather disgusting display of hypocrisy considering the poor state of press freedom in some of the countries of those who walked in that march. Those weren't the ideal champions for freedom of speech but the message is important nonetheless. The Muhammad sex game is childish and it's crap as a game but surely you realize that this wasn't made for getting a few cheap childish lolz, it was made as a reaction and protest against the incessant bullying and complete arrogance and baseless superiority claims coming from political Islam that tells you what you are allowed to say and what not - or else all bets are off.
When Life of Brian came out in 1979, conservative Christians protested and Monty Python even got a couple death threats. But none of those threats of violence were ever carried out, and neither do you see Jews getting all riled up and murdering cartoonists who keep publishing deeply antisemitic cartoons in Arab newspapers.
Carrying out acts of violence as a response to religious satire, criticism and ridicule is in present days almost exclusively a Muslim phenomenon.
Post edited February 13, 2015 by awalterj
Insert cat to continue
Grargar Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
dnovraD Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted February 13, 2015
On a more major note, Nintendo was forced to change a few things in the N64 Zeldas, including the mirror shield, a track, and other such things because the Islamic Community back them had poking swords too.
Klumpen0815 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted February 13, 2015
Yes, that's one of the messed up things.
When he still was a mechant Muhammad said, be nice to each other but when he had power, he immediately became a warlord and changed his mind, calling to war, murder and oppression as much as possible and rephrasing his "be nice to people" stuff to "be nice to fellow muslims".
How can anyone worship such an opportunistic, megalomaniac and pedophiliac asshole? I seriously don't understand that, being indocrinated from birth on hearing how great he is just shouldn't suffice if there is any ability to think for yourself at all.
I also second your opinion about religious and political islam.
If the ridicule would be directed towards islam as a religion, we woulh see more silly comics about kneeling on a rug with a built-in compass 5 times per day all the time, but instead we see ridicule of the one thing islamists try to forbid us to depict or talk bad about (in our own contries!) by punishment of death regardless of actual law in the country where it's made, because shariah law is meant to be higher than anything else.
The political aspect of Islam is the big problem anyway, because the book is a script for world domination indeed, there's even a tax mentioned (Jizya) to be paid by christians and jews in order to stay alive, while of course they have to accept having less rights. It is highly political indeed.
When he still was a mechant Muhammad said, be nice to each other but when he had power, he immediately became a warlord and changed his mind, calling to war, murder and oppression as much as possible and rephrasing his "be nice to people" stuff to "be nice to fellow muslims".
How can anyone worship such an opportunistic, megalomaniac and pedophiliac asshole? I seriously don't understand that, being indocrinated from birth on hearing how great he is just shouldn't suffice if there is any ability to think for yourself at all.
awalterj: When Life of Brian came out in 1979, conservative Christians protested and Monty Python even got a couple death threats. But none of those threats of violence were ever carried out, and neither do you see Jews getting all riled up and murdering cartoonists who keep publishing deeply antisemitic cartoons in Arab newspapers.
Carrying out acts of violence as a response to religious satire, criticism and ridicule is in present days almost exclusively a Muslim phenomenon.
Exactly. There's lots of ridicule in every direction, but many muslims like the victims role, because it makes justifying terrible deeds easy (we da good guys, no matter what we do!). Carrying out acts of violence as a response to religious satire, criticism and ridicule is in present days almost exclusively a Muslim phenomenon.
I also second your opinion about religious and political islam.
If the ridicule would be directed towards islam as a religion, we woulh see more silly comics about kneeling on a rug with a built-in compass 5 times per day all the time, but instead we see ridicule of the one thing islamists try to forbid us to depict or talk bad about (in our own contries!) by punishment of death regardless of actual law in the country where it's made, because shariah law is meant to be higher than anything else.
The political aspect of Islam is the big problem anyway, because the book is a script for world domination indeed, there's even a tax mentioned (Jizya) to be paid by christians and jews in order to stay alive, while of course they have to accept having less rights. It is highly political indeed.
Post edited February 13, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Pirate Mullah
babark Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2010
From Pakistan
Posted February 13, 2015
awalterj: A couple weeks ago, one of our cherished forum members pulled up some FBI statistic that claims there was more Jewish terrorism in the US than Muslim terrorism in a specific year (when in doubt, blame the Jews...right?). And tried to insinuate that US invasions of Muslim countries are Christian terrorism that are due to "Dominian strands in the US government".
Not making this stuff up, this is the extent of apologetics one has to hear nowadays and it's always the same old.
Nice! If you're going for the personal attacks (and yes, misrepresenting what I said to someone else to build a case that I'm a...what...desperate jew-hating liar? is a personal attack), why not go in fully? Not making this stuff up, this is the extent of apologetics one has to hear nowadays and it's always the same old.
I was neither attacking jews, nor christians, I was simply making the same argument Crewdroog is, that claims that Islam is somehow uniquely better suited as a motivation towards violence are not backed up by the facts. And it was not a "specific year", it was over the course of the time the data was collected (from the mid-80s to a couple years ago, whenever the report was written). And are you accusing the FBI of being anti-semitic, or was that another dig at me?
And yeah people definitely will look at you funny when you "Blame the muslim world for honour killings", because again, it is neither a problem exclusive to muslims, nor a problem with a greater muslim proportion. In fact, the highest percentage of honour killings occur in India.
As for Brigitte Gabriel's response, it is totally meaningless, considering that muslims (leaders, preachers, regular people, etc.) already speak out against these terrorist acts (every single time they happen) in hundreds and hundreds, not that it makes any difference to the bigots who like to paint with a big brush. The concept of "The Silent Majority" is an imagined one.
Post edited February 13, 2015 by babark
Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Lifthrasil Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Good Old Games
GabiMoro Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: May 2012
From Romania
Posted February 13, 2015
GabiMoro: Hey, deodorant is used in half of Europe and I brush my teeth every week, so what's your point?
On a more serious note, I trust the procedure is done using a anesthetic, so the little boy doesn't sufffer at all?
Soccorro: Aenesthetic...yes...with a needle right into the balls...gloves...full of blood...stitches...i was 11 years old. On a more serious note, I trust the procedure is done using a anesthetic, so the little boy doesn't sufffer at all?