dtgreene: if anything, the game should be kind to a player who is having trouble, not mean. Remember, (most) video games are intended to be fun; when a game gets too frustrating, it stops being fun.
This is not true at all. You do know that not everybody is a delicate flower and some people like their games to, y'know, challenge them? Frustration can play a role in making you get better. It's not the end of the road of "fun" for all people. Otherwise games like Counter-Strike, Darkest Dungeon, or Dark Souls wouldn't be so popular. Death is not pleasant IRL, so of course you're not going to want it in games. But that's the point of like, 90% of games. Don't die. Kill or be killed. That's part of the challenge.
Games that start handing the game on a silver platter to the player, because they suck, that should be reserved for the "easy" mode. None of the other modes. I play on hard if given the choice, so I expect the game to be hard. To make me work for my victories. If some people can't even handle dying and retrying, maybe they should pick a different entertainment medium, or stick to the easy mode, that's fine too. But don't yell and call for the whole game to be pussified if you do.
dtgreene: Also, I like it when there are situations where getting injured or dying is a good tactical choice for progressing through the game. In particular, I like it when damage boosts and death warps are viable options. (In the case of damage boosts, it turns life into a resource like magic rather than something to avoid losing at all.)
At that point, what's the point in playing at all? Seriously, if all you have to do is keep dying and it doesn't set your progress back at all, but instead progresses it, that removes ALL challenge, that is the ultimate hand holding. I'm not a child, so why should the game treat me like one?