Magnitus: It wasn't me, but I recall reading the following:
1) A guy posting a walkthrough on Morrowind wrote that an easy way to max his running stat (on the console version) was to apply a rubber band on his controller's stick and let his character run in circle while he was asleep (you boost skills in Morrowind by using them).
kusumahendra: I think it's actually swimming, since it increase exp a lot faster. I know I do the same on pc back then, jumping into river in balmora and swimming againts wall for hours.
Now, perhaps I can find something to press jump key and let it be for hours, I bet it would increase acrobatic nicely
Morrowind is just this kind of interesting mess
There's another way to improve your skills. Find a trainer, then cast a spell to drain the skill you want to improve to 0 (on self), then train while the spell is active. Easy +1 for 1gp and it works even at skill 100. (Your skill won't improve beyond 100, but it will still count toward the next level up.)
One thing I have yet to do in Morrowind is use the super potion trick to overflow a stat. Raising a stat above 2.1 billion (needed to overflow it) takes a while, however, even with the exponential nature of the Super Potion trick.
On the other hand, I have raised my fatigue high above its maximum, then made a huge jump, and when landing, I took negative damage, raising my health way above its maximum. (Does this make sense?)