Posted August 22, 2018
LootHunter: Really? Even the ground that you all are people?
LootHunter: And how did it began? With bugs and people living in peace?
LootHunter: Could you point out when they were arguing agains free speech?
A) Where did you get that everybody is people? As I read SJW-s arguments, there is privileged straight white male scum and victims of their racism and sexism. Or if you go to the other side, there are sick degenerates, faggots, parasites and terrorists. No people what's so ever. And that's just today, in past it was worse. LootHunter: And how did it began? With bugs and people living in peace?
Mafwek: Also, did you purposely left out first three arguments from Umberto Eco? Ones which specify role of tradition in fascism?
LootHunter: Yes, because Eco himself said that not all features are necessary. And modern feminismt doesn't have a "cult of tradition". It have the opposite "cult of progress". LootHunter: Could you point out when they were arguing agains free speech?
B) It started with nationalistic expansion of one or the other civilization. It's irrelevant which side started it. There are interpretation that humans in the movie knew about the meteor attack on Earth, but choose not to stop it.
C) Well, there is "feminist tradition" to which they can refer to.
D) Sigh, to point out if there is contradiction within UKIP dialogue would require better knowledge of their political context, but let's look to the Right in general. When SJW-s want to shut down somebody for being racist, it's censoring; but when your average youtube commentator wants to revoke Disney's artistic freedom in making new Star Wars films because they contain SJW propaganda, that's okay? Are you serious?