NuffCatnip: I was thinking of starting to play it now that I got it during the sale.
Ive heard the game has a rather big modding scene, my question is should I start a first playthrough unmodded to experience the original or is it worth modding the game from the get go ?
RenKalan: I think you should try and play the game with the
mods that change some of the graphics elements and makes them more appealing. That won't change any story or game-play bits so basically it is the same game but better looking.
This. Many of the game's visual elements haven't aged well, but there's various mods which make the game look much better, without significantly altering the style and design of the graphics. I really can't see a reason for
not using those mods, unless one has some kind of nostalgic attachment to the original look of the game, which doesn't seem to be the case here.
I recommend the mod which replaces the original environment textures with higher resolution ones, in particular, and there's several other good texture and mesh mods.
In case this hasn't been posted already: