Posted March 21, 2018
Feel free to post any mod ideas you have in this thread.
To get the ball rolling, some ideas for a Warcraft II balance/improvement mod:
-12 units selection
-Queue units in production buildings
-Units have 10% more hit points
-Heal is an AoE spell (5 tiles like Runes) with a range of 7 and has an MP cost of 4 per HP
-^OR Paladins have an attack range of 2
-Unholy Armor offers 90% damage immunity instead (nerfs hasted+unholy'd DK combo a bit)
-Upgraded archers and trolls are a bit stronger
-Flame Shield has a range of 10 and does half damage to friendly units
-Summoned skeletons are a bit stronger and last longer
-Whirlwind costs 1000 gold and does 50% damage to friendly units
-Runes last 30% longer
-Demolition squads & sappers are a bit cheaper
-Improved pathfinding and AI build orders
-Daemons can be summoned by DKs and last as long as skeletons. Daemons can see invisible units.
To get the ball rolling, some ideas for a Warcraft II balance/improvement mod:
-12 units selection
-Queue units in production buildings
-Units have 10% more hit points
-Heal is an AoE spell (5 tiles like Runes) with a range of 7 and has an MP cost of 4 per HP
-^OR Paladins have an attack range of 2
-Unholy Armor offers 90% damage immunity instead (nerfs hasted+unholy'd DK combo a bit)
-Upgraded archers and trolls are a bit stronger
-Flame Shield has a range of 10 and does half damage to friendly units
-Summoned skeletons are a bit stronger and last longer
-Whirlwind costs 1000 gold and does 50% damage to friendly units
-Runes last 30% longer
-Demolition squads & sappers are a bit cheaper
-Improved pathfinding and AI build orders
-Daemons can be summoned by DKs and last as long as skeletons. Daemons can see invisible units.
Post edited March 21, 2018 by ResidentLeever