dtgreene: I've played (and beaten) Mega Man 8 and don't remember there being any questions of destroyer. Maybe it's the puzzle in Sword Man's stage that you're having trouble with? If so, try using Flash Bombs to light up some of the darker rooms.
(In case it matters, I played the version on the PS2 Anniversary Collection. However, I've watched speedruns of the PSX version and don't remember any such questions there.)
Ghorpm: The question is about Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer ;)
I was trying to get at the point that the question, as stated, is ambiguous; in fact, when I see and abbreviation like "MM8" (or "MM2" or "MM6" for example), I think of Mega Man before Might and Magic.
Also, this question really belongs in the appropriate subforum rather than here. (Since the subforum is for the entire series, the game should still be specified in the title, but MM8 is a good abbreviation there; it isn't on a more general forum like this one.)