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Since GOG turned multi-lingual more and more Russian and German reviews appear in the general - English language - review section.


And why do these reviews stay there? Can't they be (re-)moved? Seems no one really cares about the review section?

And, what's up with the impossibility of using quotes in the reviews? (Quot/unquot)

Does anyone care?

Or is it just me?

edit: quotes
Post edited April 07, 2016 by petitmal
I'd guess that there is no "English review section" but rather that the review database is shared among languages.
Haven't seen any german or russian reviews. Can't say I ever check the review section on GOG though.
Fairly useless as people review older games from memory or using their own disc copy instead of the GOG version.
Maighstir: I'd guess that there is no "English review section" but rather that the review database is shared among languages.
Post edited April 07, 2016 by omega64
Maighstir: I'd guess that there is no "English review section" but rather that the review database is shared among languages.
Shouldn't that be a good idea then? And, would it be hard to imply? It's hard to take the review section seriously this way. Also; the mess in the review section reflects onto the rest of the site?

Or, at least that is what I think.
omega64: Haven't seen any german or russian reviews. Can't say I ever check the review section on GOG though.
Fairly useless as people review older games from memory or using their own disc copy instead of the GOG version.
Maighstir: I'd guess that there is no "English review section" but rather that the review database is shared among languages.
omega64: Probably.
Well; one example then:

Многие знания..... by
Для торопливых и не читающих всякие опусы - отзыв +. Имхо - Взять. И дождаться когда будет доделано, наблюдая за поцессом. Дальше -много букв. Предупреждаю.
Прежде всего не стоит искать тут стопроцентного продолжения серии. Его нет практически ни где и ни в одном римейке тогдашних игр. Взять ту же уфошку. Нынешние проигрывают практически по все параметрам кроме картинки естественно, но если считать их отдельными самостоятельными вещами, то вполне себе ничего. И некоторый "эффект узнавания" присутствует. Тут - то же самое. Игра-семечки, как собственно и вся эта ветка ещё с цивилизации, Мастера Магии и Соответственно МоО. Кому этот тип игр нравится - велком. Но! Поскольку она ещё вовсю в разработке, то что-то наверно измениться в лучшую сторону. (Ха-ха). Пока же так. Куча непоняток и откровенных глюков. Чего стоит одно согласие на улучшение в связи с новыми открытиями например двух Титанов в результате которого их отображённая боевая мощь снизилась втрое да ещё за кучу денег и безвозвратно. Прелестно, однако. Сервисности второго тут тоже не сохранилось. Бесконечная скачка по объектам внимания, персонально к каждому. На фоне зачительного удлиннения маршрутов движения кораблей из за туннельных переходов по цепочке систем это начинает утомлять. Ощущения - Получился МоО 1.5+ Цивилизация 4 -5 + стратежка по Старварсам, та что Гелакси батлгроунд, те же перемещения по космосу туннелями между системами и призрак тактических реалтаймов в околопланетном космосе. Призрак потому что никакой тактики тут нет, кораблики тупо ломятся вперёд и дохнут в свалке как бесплатные. Всё управление сводится к выбору цели и изменению направления движения. Даже просто команды "Стоп" нет. Словом работы над игрой ещё вагон с тележкой. Однако. Существует масса людей не видевших ни первого ни второго МоО. Для них это будет очень неплохо на мой взгляд, особенно когда подправят, оптимизируют и стабилизируют то, что есть. И будет вполне себе ого-го. Так что если рекомендовать, то скорее Да.
Post edited April 07, 2016 by petitmal
Maighstir: I'd guess that there is no "English review section" but rather that the review database is shared among languages.
petitmal: Shouldn't that be a good idea then? And, would it be hard to imply? It's hard to take the review section seriously this way. Also; the mess in the review section reflects onto the rest of the site?

Or, at least that is what I think.
Agreed. I cannot do much to change the current situation, and GOG should probably have thought of that when they first added non-English languages to the site. I would guess that their idea was that a German person may choose to view the site in English while still benefiting from seeing German (as well as English) reviews. It does pose a slight issue for those of us who are not proficient in German, French, and Russian though.

I don't know, there might even be a Spanish or Finnish review somewhere. I'm tempted to write a Swedish one just for the hell of it.
Post edited April 07, 2016 by Maighstir
Maighstir: I'd guess that there is no "English review section" but rather that the review database is shared among languages.
This. There is not really any difference made when posting reviews.

It would certainly help if users could flag their reviews for being in a certain language then sorting by language would be possible. Not that this is going to happen, I mean you can't sort them at all (when not using a script).
Maighstir: I'd guess that there is no "English review section" but rather that the review database is shared among languages.
petitmal: Shouldn't that be a good idea then? And, would it be hard to imply? It's hard to take the review section seriously this way. Also; the mess in the review section reflects onto the rest of the site?

Or, at least that is what I think.
omega64: Haven't seen any german or russian reviews. Can't say I ever check the review section on GOG though.
Fairly useless as people review older games from memory or using their own disc copy instead of the GOG version.

petitmal: *proper english*
I didnt say I don't believe you. :P
petitmal: Shouldn't that be a good idea then? And, would it be hard to imply? It's hard to take the review section seriously this way. Also; the mess in the review section reflects onto the rest of the site?

Or, at least that is what I think.

*proper english*
omega64: I didnt say I don't believe you. :P
I know. But you stated you never check the reviews, so I am giving an example of what I found. To show what it looks like.
Maighstir: I'd guess that there is no "English review section" but rather that the review database is shared among languages.
moonshineshadow: This. There is not really any difference made when posting reviews.

It would certainly help if users could flag their reviews for being in a certain language then sorting by language would be possible. Not that this is going to happen, I mean you can't sort them at all (when not using a script).
Flagging would be something that could be useful.

I actually wonder why GOG does not care...this way it is messy and in the end, utterly useless.
petitmal: Shouldn't that be a good idea then? And, would it be hard to imply? It's hard to take the review section seriously this way. Also; the mess in the review section reflects onto the rest of the site?

Or, at least that is what I think.
Maighstir: Agreed. I cannot do much to change the current situation, and GOG should probably have thought of that when they first added non-English languages to the site. I would guess that their idea was that a German person may choose to view the site in English while still benefiting from seeing German (as well as English) reviews. It does pose a slight issue for those of us who are not proficient in German, French, and Russian though.

I don't know, there might even be a Spanish or Finnish review somewhere. I'm tempted to write a Swedish one just for the hell of it.
LOL. I was thinking the same. Why bother writing in English; if you can just as well write in your own language. I am going to post everything in Dutch from now on. ;-)
Post edited April 07, 2016 by petitmal
omega64: I didnt say I don't believe you. :P
petitmal: I know. But you stated you never check the reviews, so I am giving an example of what I found. To show what it looks like.
You didn't post a link to the game though, so as far as we know it could just as well be an ad for Russian mail-order brides. :-P
Post edited April 07, 2016 by Maighstir
petitmal: I know. But you stated you never check the reviews, so I am giving an example of what I found. To show what it looks like.
Maighstir: You didn't post a link to the game though, so as far as we know it could just as well be an ad for Russian mail-order brides. :-P
You're right. This is the link:

The thing is (one of those mind-bogglers to me); you can't post a link to the exact page (at least I wasn't able to; for that it might explain a lot about myself...), so you have to browse there yourself. First one you'll find at page 5. From there it goes on.

By the way, I ran a few of those russian reviews thru google translate (same thought you had) but I found only genuine reviews.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by petitmal
petitmal: I actually wonder why GOG does not care...this way it is messy and in the end, utterly useless.
GOG do care but other things are more important for GOG at that moment.

For all who can understand german:

"Ich bereue es zum Beispiel, dass ich vor einigen Wochen schon angekündigt habe, dass bald die Rezensions-Überarbeitung kommt. Wurde mir von den Entwicklern versprochen, weil ich damit seit nun fast 1 Jahr (!) nerve. Jetzt wurde es wieder verschoben, wegen anderen Dingen. "
Just need a language selector reviews.
petitmal: I actually wonder why GOG does not care...this way it is messy and in the end, utterly useless.
Ritualisto: GOG do care but other things are more important for GOG at that moment.

For all who can understand german:

"Ich bereue es zum Beispiel, dass ich vor einigen Wochen schon angekündigt habe, dass bald die Rezensions-Überarbeitung kommt. Wurde mir von den Entwicklern versprochen, weil ich damit seit nun fast 1 Jahr (!) nerve. Jetzt wurde es wieder verschoben, wegen anderen Dingen. "
If I had only known. :-)

I apologize. I read the original post and I never realized thát many people find themselves excluded when the site's language isn't their native language. And I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone. Seems I erroneously assumed the language sections were completely seperated.

Your post most definatively cleared this issue for me - or at least partially. So, thank you very much. In the end, I hope more stuff in the review section will become more user-friendly. For every gamer, in every language.

Post edited April 08, 2016 by petitmal
I always watch English language reviews of games on youtube.

One of my pet peeves about a lot of gog reviews is people who have never played the game on gog talking about how good the game is when they played it on other consoles.

And based on that review, when you finally buy the gog version of game, it has bugs or system incompatibility with modern systems.