stalkerd: Yeah I heard stories why the game was bad because it was abit incomplete
and was rush out. maybe it would been better if it was completed?
I heard the Kiss Game uses the Blood 2 engine as well
Kinda wish there was a source port for both games even for No one lives forever
in one source port so the game can be way better with mods.
GameRager: The game is "complete" in that it has an is just lackluster and akin to the endings of Elite Force 1/2 in blandness, and it has some bugs. Other than that it is pretty good for a game promoting a band's music.
As for NOLF....I would rather have a competent sequel and completion the the cliffhanger of NOLF2.
Yeah I know, but I heard it was incomplete, like it was rushed to be "complete" in it's state,
so it post to have more features.
That's kinda why the game seems to be like there's is a few things missing,
like the ending cut scene was goofy.
Kinda wish if there was ever a source port for Blood 2, Kiss and NOLF in One.
Well for Kiss, Mod the gameplay could be better or more like Quake 3 style, and let the weapons have 2nd attacks,
and more useful power-up items. and make certain weapons more useful and powerful for certain characters.
Example for Star Bearer his weapons the Thornblade, Zero Canon and Star Gaze does more damage for him
and have special attacks only for him,
So ever hero got 2nd special unique attacks for their theme weapons.
A NOLF HD Remaster of both games and a 3rd game would be nice.