dtgreene: * What is the closest AMD equivalent to the Intel Atom x5-z8350? (Ideally, it should be possible to buy a $100 computer with this CPU.)
AMD doesn't compete in every areas with Intel. There is no direct competitor With the Atom X5 line, because they are so freaking cheap. It's impossible to compete to a 100$ product wich includes a whole motherboard with 2Gb memory, power supply and a full Windows 10 license (like those HDMI sticks).
Back in the older Atom line without
out of order execution (like the n450), AMD had better CPU's for the price (C-60 and E-350) but as it has been for a very long time, all AMD laptops are crippled and considered inferior (Intel is still the premium brand and AMD the 2nd choice), using a slow hard drive, worse screens etc... Don't know why and don't care really.
At this time, except the embbeded stuff there are only non-Ryzen laptop CPU's like the a4-5000 or the E2-3800, wich are slow quad-cores, like the X5-Z8350 but compete in a different market. Non-Ryzen stuff are still stuck at 28nm wich is 2010 tech?
I've read about some cheaper SBC based on AMD but nothing in the 100$ range. Searching can
find some stuff but this is way out of the 100$ range in performance, more like 300 to 400$.
AMD isn't a direct competitor to Intel, wich makes a very broad range of products in different areas and the only reason AMD desktop CPU's are so good at the moment is because Intel is stuck on tech progress, so they say...
Neither the less, AMD Ryzen line is a very solid choice (stay way from other line) at the moment and for a custom built computer they are selling like hot pizzas for a reason!
dtgreene: * What are the closest AMD and Intel equivalents to the ARM Cortex-A72? (This is the CPU in the Raspberry Pi 4.)
Intel has the X5 Atom (and X7 as well) line or the newer n4000 and n5000 line Celerons (wich direct replaces the Atoms). X5 Atoms can run natively Android, not sure about the newer Celerons.
AMD has none.
If you want to get a rough estimation of x86 cpu performance
this is a good resource.Keep in mind Cinebench is a renderer very optimized to scale well with more cores. That said, a CPU with more core may score better but doesn't give the best allround, day-to-day performance.
No Arm though.