Timboli: ...we need to start engaging with logic.
Will happily do.
To which extend you will accept that logic
(or if you accept it at all) is on another page, of course.
Timboli: ...nothing to do with the content of my post,...
Says you. ;)
Timboli: ...but all to do with
the number of downvotes in a small amount of time.
Easily explained.
What happens when you post a new comment?
It gets put in the most prominent spot on the GD.
Right under the stickies.
it gets put in that same spot, over and over again, whenever a new comment gets added to that thread - be it from you, or from anybody else commenting in that thread.
So, your comment(s) - like the comment(s) of everybody else in that thread - get "rubbed under the noses" of everybody enclined to click on that thread.
And if they feel, your comment(s) need to be down voted - MOST OF THEM will do so,
pretty quickly after you made your comment.
It's simply because that's when most users who are active at that time, will notice it immediately.
Btw: you may also have noticed, that some "low rated" comments received that treatment only after several hours.
That's because (1) the first batch of users had already passed by, but without enough of them voting (-), and it took time for the
users of another time zone to get active on the forum and add to that votes.
And (2) the thread itself probably had already sunken lower in the GD, to a point where less and
less people were looking for it - delaying the "low rated" status even further.
Timboli: And remember, we are talking about a thread where
everyone in it was downvoted. For the most part, the threads that were low rated as a whole, were
controversial threads.
Controversial meaning everything, from threads about LGBTQ+ topics, the infamous "Boycott" thread, basically every thread in regard to the release of "Eroge" games, throw in some threads about the situation in Ukraine, etc.
You got it.
Two things come into play here.
(and despite the claims of everone here pretending to "never having used the (-) button), most people will down vote a comment, if it goes against their own opinion.
That's simply human nature.
You can't plant your fist in your opponent's face due to the online nature of a comment section? - You punch them virtually, by clicking the (-). Period.
Human nature. Can't deny it.
The other thing was:
people were fed up with the general negativity (
and repetition) that these threads transported, and expressed their anger/despair/whatever with a single mouse click.
Simply because that was the easiest way to react, without painting themselves as targets for all the hate that you can find in these threads.
everyone has an opinion on everything - but not everyone is willing to fight over them. Timboli: To which end, you could explain to me why some threads got targeted relentlessly with downvotes,
especially when nothing obvious in them warranted it.
Care to share these threads?
As I said above: MOST of the threads that got "low rated" as a whole were
controversial threads.
If there were others, I'd need to be pointed to them, to try and make an educated assumption as to the "why".
Apart from that:
I cannot speak for the reasons why some folk may have clicked the (-) button - as I already said in my previous post (quote):
"there are at any given time enough users online here, to be
able to tag any comment(s) that they may disagree with, with the "low rated" label.
And that
for any given comprehensible reason (and some probably not so comprehensible ones).
How am I supposed to know what reasons others may have?
Timboli: I can accept that one or two people working in concert might do the downvoting,
but why would lots of folk bother to downvote every post?
Why can you accept two people to do the same thing at a time, but not five+ people?
(and why do these two need to "work in concert"?) What's the difference between "two people" and "lots of folk"?
I mean: if we apply logic to it?
Timboli: And
it happened so quickly ... that bit really needs explaining too.
See above: the "...but all to do with
the number of downvotes in a small amount of time." - part.
Timboli: The bigger picture tells the story, when you look at all aspects.
Yes, it sure does. If you bother to look at it with both your eyes open.
EDit: fixed some embarrassing typos