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This update is an interesting one. My skeleton spawner trap has suddenly become even more overpowered thanks to the addition of bones. Instant arrows, food and wood? Hail to the king, baby!

My attempts to rebuild the drowning trap with a different design (raising the mobs to a more convenient level before drowning them) have been thoroughly unsuccessful because they wouldn't sink down again for some reason, but just now I've read that I need to use glass for the downward part like I did on the simpler first version--water that's touching by glass has more downwards pressure than water touching other block types.

Runehamster: All the colors are silly while getting used to the new survival, but they'll be awesome later when we're going 'Gee, I wonder if I can make a hundred foot replica of a lego figure'.
Actually, I've been using wool for walls and floor tiles for a long time now. This gives me many more options in that regard.

Also worth noting is that it's best to apply dyes to the sheep, not the wool itself, since a sheep can drop up to three blocks for a single unit of dye.

TheEnigmaticT: So I built a drowning trap and set myself up to watch some spiders drown. I built a window to watch the hilarity and everything.

And I promptly got my face eaten. Climbing spiders are not my friend.
Spiders can only climb vertically at the moment, so a single-block overhang around the edge should be able to work (unless the spider can leap onto your location from somewhere else, of course).
Sod this. I'm getting even more crashes and it's forgetting things too. So I get to keep what's in my inventory but the world isn't up to date at all. So all the iron I just chucked in the oven... well there's no oven anymore either.

I think I'll go back to waiting for a few more patches to roll in. Which has been the majority of my experience with beta so far.
Navagon: Sod this. I'm getting even more crashes and it's forgetting things too. So I get to keep what's in my inventory but the world isn't up to date at all. So all the iron I just chucked in the oven... well there's no oven anymore either.

I think I'll go back to waiting for a few more patches to roll in. Which has been the majority of my experience with beta so far.
Well, that's just convinced me not to spend €14.95 on it! :)
nmillar: Well, that's just convinced me not to spend €14.95 on it! :)
It's still in beta, you know? :P I'm sure these things will be fixed given time. In fact another patch has just hit today which should at least fix the problems introduced yesterday.

It's a great game... when it works.
Navagon: It's a great game... when it works.
So a number of people have tried to convince me, but I've resisted the temptation so far. I know if I bow down to the pressure that I'll never leave the house again!
Navagon: It's a great game... when it works.
nmillar: So a number of people have tried to convince me, but I've resisted the temptation so far. I know if I bow down to the pressure that I'll never leave the house again!
True that. Minecraft triggered my last stay-up-all-night-gaming binge. Repeatedly. For an entire weekend.
nmillar: So a number of people have tried to convince me, but I've resisted the temptation so far. I know if I bow down to the pressure that I'll never leave the house again!
Well, to add to that pressure it seems like a great number of bugs have been fixed now. I was going to wait for at least another patch, but it seems perfectly playable as it is.
Runehamster: True that. Minecraft triggered my last stay-up-all-night-gaming binge. Repeatedly. For an entire weekend.
No other game makes me lose track of time as much as this one.
Post edited January 14, 2011 by Navagon
Navagon: Well, to add to that pressure it seems like a great number of bugs have been fixed now. I was going to wait for at least another patch, but it seems perfectly playable as it is.
I will not submit!
nmillar: I will not submit!
Your curiosity has brought you this far. You will in the end. They always do.
This, and Darkwind, means I'm going to bomb this sem again :(

The latest patch is sex btw.
Post edited January 14, 2011 by lowyhong
Navagon: Well, to add to that pressure it seems like a great number of bugs have been fixed now. I was going to wait for at least another patch, but it seems perfectly playable as it is.
nmillar: I will not submit!
I have played hundreds of games, including some of the acknowledged best of their genres, and I can safely say that due to the open-ended, endlessly addictive innovation and clean, pleasant design of this game, it occupies my absolute number one spot. It is simply the best games I have ever played, and slated to become even better. I've never found another game that so seamlessly blended the open ended sandbox RPG's I love so well with survival 'horror' and the buildability of Lego's. It's what you might call an instant timeless classic.
Post edited January 14, 2011 by Runehamster
I've noticed something tweaked with the Creepers. They've been tweaked a bit in earlier Beta, their timer worked a bit differently and required a bit more patience to kill. But today, i've found two creeps in my mine, i hit one of them once, he started to flash, indicating the autodestruct sequence, but then came the other. I thought the other, which lasted a while, of course, i've failed due to "stone-sword-taking-hours-to-kill-it". After that i've approached the other Creeper who was hanging out by a nearby column, he was no longer flashing. As soon as i came close enough to kill him, he immediately exploded! F@#k! Didn't even make the "autodestruct sequence is engaged" hiss. ;/
Runehamster: I have played hundreds of games, including some of the acknowledged best of their genres, and I can safely say that due to the open-ended, endlessly addictive innovation and clean, pleasant design of this game, it occupies my absolute number one spot. It is simply the best games I have ever played, and slated to become even better. I've never found another game that so seamlessly blended the open ended sandbox RPG's I love so well with survival 'horror' and the buildability of Lego's. It's what you might call an instant timeless classic.
Don't get me wrong; it looks like a great game, but there are other games on my radar at the moment that rank higher. Plus, I really need to start saving my money for the trip to Africa! :)
nmillar: Don't get me wrong; it looks like a great game, but there are other games on my radar at the moment that rank higher. Plus, I really need to start saving my money for the trip to Africa! :)
Or.. You could build that mountain in Minecraft... It's possible.. :D

[edit] as soon as someone mods the maximum height ;P
Post edited January 14, 2011 by Arteveld
Some fire glitch or weirdo with steel and flint?
