Posted November 06, 2019
After a few Halloween scares It’s time to venture back into the world of wonder and adventure. Check out video games that will give your whole family hours and days of fun.
Never Alone Arctic Collection (-80%) is an award-winning title that connects classic platform game with the opportunity to learn more about the fascinating land of Alaska. While playing two characters – a young girl named Nuna and her companion, white Fox – you will explore the frozen land of the north in search of the legendary eternal blizzard.
Anodyne (-90%) is an action role-playing game that pays homage to traditional Japanese titles of the 90-ties. As a character named Young, you are thrown into the mysterious void with only a mysterious voice called Sage to guide the player’s steps.
SPORE (-75%) is a strategy game created by Will Wright, a living legend among the game designers. It enables you to create your own world with its creatures, planets, and myriads of small details. Through five evolutionary stages – Cell, Creature, Tribe, Civilization and Space your created universe will grow and take its own unique shape.
Pikuniku (-40%) is a colorful adventure game that will take you to the world full of quirky characters and mind-blowing puzzles. Thanks to the cooperative mode the whole family can join forces on the journey to finish the game.
Overcooked! 2 (-30%) is an action-comedy game not only for the lovers of good cuisine. Join forces with three of your friends online to cook meals and serve them under the constant pressure of time. The layout of every kitchen is different, so the fun flowing from the multiplayer game never stops.
That’s not all. More gorgeous titles await you during our “Cuteness Overload” Midweek Sale. For example check out games like Shelter, Shelter 2, Donut County, Ghost of a Tale and Yooka-Laylee.
The Midweek sale ends on November 9th at 2 PM UTC.
Never Alone Arctic Collection (-80%) is an award-winning title that connects classic platform game with the opportunity to learn more about the fascinating land of Alaska. While playing two characters – a young girl named Nuna and her companion, white Fox – you will explore the frozen land of the north in search of the legendary eternal blizzard.
Anodyne (-90%) is an action role-playing game that pays homage to traditional Japanese titles of the 90-ties. As a character named Young, you are thrown into the mysterious void with only a mysterious voice called Sage to guide the player’s steps.
SPORE (-75%) is a strategy game created by Will Wright, a living legend among the game designers. It enables you to create your own world with its creatures, planets, and myriads of small details. Through five evolutionary stages – Cell, Creature, Tribe, Civilization and Space your created universe will grow and take its own unique shape.
Pikuniku (-40%) is a colorful adventure game that will take you to the world full of quirky characters and mind-blowing puzzles. Thanks to the cooperative mode the whole family can join forces on the journey to finish the game.
Overcooked! 2 (-30%) is an action-comedy game not only for the lovers of good cuisine. Join forces with three of your friends online to cook meals and serve them under the constant pressure of time. The layout of every kitchen is different, so the fun flowing from the multiplayer game never stops.
That’s not all. More gorgeous titles await you during our “Cuteness Overload” Midweek Sale. For example check out games like Shelter, Shelter 2, Donut County, Ghost of a Tale and Yooka-Laylee.
The Midweek sale ends on November 9th at 2 PM UTC.