amund: This won't be profitable for Microsoft if the users don't trust their service, whatever that might be.
I'm convinced that the knowledge contained there
right now is worth the price, even if all users stop using it now.
kohlrak: I never understood why people had to have a public git.
What do you mean "public"? I'm talking about private repos for internal code - not open source.
I don't know how it's now, but a few years back setting up your own git repository was major PITA... too much work (or money) for small company to invest in if you can just rent it for a fistful of dollars.
amund: At this point, to me at least, Microsoft seems like a different company compared to 10 years ago when you're looking at development and attitudes toward open source.
They promote open source when it suits them. In reality they fight with fire and sword if ie. public services think about using open source solutions. See Munich or that town on the UK (can't remember the name right now...).