As part of our commitment to bringing a steady stream of new, exclusive games to our fans
shmerl: Aaaaargh my eyes bleed. All "fans" of Microsoft are specifically fans of that one cat picture.
markrichardb: At one time I might've cared, but in recent years American/California RPGs have taken a backseat to Europe & Eastern Europe. The best modern RPGs are Expeditions: Viking, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Divinity Original Sin 2, and of course The Witcher 3 - all of which have a strong unifying vision and do something fresh with the genre. By comparison Californian studios are dedicated to making a really bad version of the Infinity Engine games, with self-congratulatory fanfic tier characters and content so incohesive and fragmented, it's like they've got 24 head writers pulling it in every direction.
Mostly this (although my list of good RPG-likes would be somewhat different). I do think the classic number-polishing RPG (Infinity-style or otherwise) is dead as a genre in $current_year and should be buried without fanfare. 40 year old tabletop RPG mechanics are way past due, get in the way of gameplay, and smell. Actually delivering emergent unscripted mechanical choices and consequences within that framework is far beyond a typical writer's ability - no one in professional RPG design can math, especially writers.
Tyranny was good, though, despite its failure of form.