Posted November 05, 2015

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Registered: Dec 2010
From Sweden

Steam is Power!
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted November 05, 2015
Not always, for example Saxon, Motorhead and Def Leppard just squeezed out fantastic albums. Judas Priest's latest was also pretty kick ass. The difference there though is that they constantly stay on the road unlike Iron Maiden. They've become sluggish and lazy in their old age.

Never really left
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted November 05, 2015
I've really only listened to Number of the Beast, Powerslave, and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. That's kind of disappointing to hear, but I guess I can still enjoy those albums. What are some other good Iron Maiden songs from the old days?

Steam is Power!
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted November 05, 2015

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted November 05, 2015

Not what I'd call staying "on the road". XD
Also, Leppard hasn't had a good record since Pyromania.

Steam is Power!
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted November 05, 2015

Not what I'd call staying "on the road". XD
Also, Leppard hasn't had a good record since Pyromania.

Also Def Lep nothing good since Pyromania is one of the worst, narrow minded opinions anyone can have about that band. They're not a one trick pony like Motorhead, Venom, Saxon etc. Sadly it is what people want them to be. Hysteria, Slang and the new record are fantastic. Adrenalize, Songs From The Sparkle Lounge and Euphoria are fun but different and X is a big hit or miss. Variety and keeping it fresh is the key. Shame nearly every other heavy metal band of their generation can't say the same.
As far as Hysteria goes, I've found that record actually sounds better if you play it backwards. :P
Post edited November 05, 2015 by tinyE

A Hybrid
Registered: Jun 2012
From South Africa
Posted November 07, 2015

Registered: Mar 2013
From Spain
Posted November 07, 2015
Primal Fear - Running in the Dust
Ralf Scheepers is much better Halford "clone" than Ripper Owens imo. Too bad he didn't get the role in Judas Priest.
Ralf Scheepers is much better Halford "clone" than Ripper Owens imo. Too bad he didn't get the role in Judas Priest.

v o i d | flower
Gloomy User
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted November 07, 2015

A Hybrid
Registered: Jun 2012
From South Africa
Posted November 10, 2015
a bit different, but an awesome artist/bookwriter/whatever he wants to do
Celldweller - Breakout
EDIT: forgot about this:
Yomi - The August Countenance of Amaterasu
Really worth the listen
Celldweller - Breakout
EDIT: forgot about this:
Yomi - The August Countenance of Amaterasu
Really worth the listen
Post edited November 10, 2015 by te_lanus

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted November 10, 2015

Registered: Mar 2013
From Spain
Posted November 13, 2015

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted November 15, 2015
Can't get the chorus out of my head
Fooor the king we will riiiide through the dark galactic skiiies
To the defeaaat the fooorce when the chaos wizards riiise
Now the universe will buuurn - evil sorcerer retuuuurn
Tragic faaate rages toniiight - Chaos Wizards rise
GLORYHAMMER - Rise Of The Chaos Wizards
So cheesy
Fooor the king we will riiiide through the dark galactic skiiies
To the defeaaat the fooorce when the chaos wizards riiise
Now the universe will buuurn - evil sorcerer retuuuurn
Tragic faaate rages toniiight - Chaos Wizards rise
GLORYHAMMER - Rise Of The Chaos Wizards
So cheesy

Registered: Jan 2011
From Netherlands
Posted November 16, 2015
a brootal space slamming something death metal ep:
Wormed - Quasineutrality:
1 - Uncoloured Plasma Orifices Transported
2 - Undeciphering the Inquantificability
Wormed - Quasineutrality:
1 - Uncoloured Plasma Orifices Transported
2 - Undeciphering the Inquantificability