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low rated
Ahem...still some cinnamon cookies left?
Trooper1270: Unless you have a metal strengthening stud in the crotch area of those jeans you are wearing, and have a reluctance to keep your legs closed while sitting at said fire...
Jeans? You've got the wrong fire gathering, the one in jeans is in the next clearing... here we wear our colors!

marcob: Ahem...still some cinnamon cookies left?
*looks embarrassed* Sorry, friend, I ate them all... I can't help myself around cinnamon cookies.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by WinterSnowfall
WinterSnowfall: Jeans? You've got the wrong fire gathering, the one in jeans is in the next clearing... here we wear our colors!
In reference to my previous post...

Levis 501 Jeans - Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
marcob: Ahem...still some cinnamon cookies left?
WinterSnowfall: *looks embarrassed* Sorry, friend, I ate them all... I can't help myself around cinnamon cookies.
I still have a few more to share. Not self made this time though, so watch out the sugar and salt level.
We can't have tea without cookies!

♫ "Always look on the light side of life..." ♫
This thread makes me so nostalgic for the times when the biggest threat to the forum was TinyE being annoying and Tauto being... himself. I miss the days when those were the outliers of the community rather than the standard. We've lost so many people that made this community great. I wonder what happened to those guys...
I'm not usually a forum goer around here, but what can you all describe me what the good old days were like back then?
Everyday is a good old day!
paladin181: This thread makes me so nostalgic for the times when the biggest threat to the forum was TinyE being annoying and Tauto being...
The biggest threats to this forum have always been its half-rotten software floorboards. I think I've said this before, but every time I post something I tend to hear an ominous creaking sound and I fear it may all collapse on itself one day :P.

Kaliesto: I'm not usually a forum goer around here, but what can you all describe me what the good old days were like back then?
Well, for one we had the legendary EnigmanticT, who dropped us (enigmatic) clues of upcoming classic game releases... GOG teased its community back then and a vast majority of their staff seemed as excited as we were about classic game releases and the "new old stuff" they managed to sign up... so there was no need for anyone to go poking around in the APIs or... other places for hype.

But then the dark goggled Eye was lit and its gaze was forever stuck upon the kingdom of GOGdor! :P

Keighn: Everyday is a good old day!
Anime titties may not be old, but there's a place for them here. Or better said they have a target audience for sure. I wish there was better quality (dare I say "curation"?) in GOG's adult game section, but meh... more is never worse as long as we don't get down to all possible manner of shovelware.
Post edited March 08, 2022 by WinterSnowfall
The fire's died out and people have gathered their belongings and moved on, back to their lives. Monsters call out from beyond the woods, reminding us the world is not a safe place and refuge is only temporary, much like our own existence here. Safe journeys to you all and may we meet again some day!
Kaliesto: I'm not usually a forum goer around here, but what can you all describe me what the good old days were like back then?
Lot of spontaneous acts of random generosity, either through fun, festive, gimmicky giveaways. A stronger sense of friendly diversity, with people being quite open about their different horizons, religions and gender identity. I'll always remember it at the time where a transgender forumer was being vaguely insulted by a transphobic twat and didn't feel supported by the community, and I was (naively) asking her to not pay attention, because said twat didn't represent much in front of the silent background sympathy of forumers who didn't want to fuel a flamewar. A couple of years laters, the trumputinian gamergaters that found refuge in these unmoderated boards made it clear that this place expected you to either be a white male straight christian playing white male straight christians in games about white male straight christians, or to be destroying civilization. All the green of the cheerful mutual up-repping got replaced by a permanent column of low rated posts, and expressions of mutual hatred replaced the old knee-jerk gifting reflexes.

So, essentially, it was a bubble of warmth and solidarity, with very different people, simply united by a dislike of DRM and launch clients. Troll farms and political polarizations transformed it. Although, I suspect that, right from the start, there were two categories of friendly and generous people : those who were friendly and generous to others because they didn't care about skin color, nationality, religion and gender identity, etc. And those who were friendly and generous to others because they assumed that all others were of the same skin color, nationality, religion and gender identity as theirs. Something unmasked these two categories. They didn't get along. Things got sour. Cool people left. Legitimate mistrust settled in.

And gone was the era of gog forumers liking each others, and assuming the best of each others by default.
Telika: And gone was the era of gog forumers liking each others, and assuming the best of each others by default.
I wouldn't say gone, but perhaps we're less visible these days :). Hope you're doing alright, despite, well... all of the above.
CthuluIsSpy: I remember when cutscenes were skippable, when GOG connect was a thing and when Command and Conquer was a good series.
I miss Westwood.
I remember those days when cutscenes *weren't* skippable. Back in the days where Final Fantasy 4-10 were the current ones, you had to sit through cutscenes every time, and couldn't skip them, even if you had already seen it before. It's only later that cutscene skip seems to have become a standard thing to expect in games.

Of course, I do miss the days before that, when cutscenes weren't a thing in video games. You could just pop your cartridge of Super Mario Bros. into your NES (if it's not already there), turn on the NES and TV (hopefully set to the correct channel), and press start and you're able to play the game instantly.

(Unfortunately, the situation on computers wasn't so nice at the time, as the games were stored on floppy disks; I remember Dungeon Master (Apple 2GS version) taking minutes to load. That's one case where consoles used to have an advantage over PCs, but then consoles switched to optical media, which was a lot slower than the hard drives that PCs used at that time.)
Waiting, waiting...for better times to come once more.
low rated
Kaliesto: I'm not usually a forum goer around here, but what can you all describe me what the good old days were like back then?
it was the times before gamergate exposed plenty of people as little more than PC activists and corporate lackeys that hid behind token groups to call everyone they didn't agree with, nazis and racists even when those groups were turning around to tell them to get lost. Here's some guy explaining an example of that.
The real racists don't like this being pointed out.