Posted March 04, 2022
marcob: It's a quite thin layer of civility to distinguish between actions and words. It can also easly be invoked with a double standard. Words are actions. Not in the censorship-oriented meaning of it, but as words have consequences if they
have a certain motive and energy to them (and again, that's different than approving of someone who gets offended to appear as being right).
Perhaps, but it's not all about civility. I argue a lot of people actually don't fully stand behind their words and that at times their own words are the words of others, on their lips by peer pressure. Anyway, we're splitting hairs now. have a certain motive and energy to them (and again, that's different than approving of someone who gets offended to appear as being right).
marcob: "Divide et impera" does not help to have a comprehensive picture: you get parts. When parts are not united by some overarching common custom (which can be many things) they make their difference "absolute enough" to overlook similarities and a community is no more, not even the topic or ideas that it is based on and probably those groups still have in common matter anymore, since they fade when disrespect emerges.
I never said it's a perfect model (nothing is), but I usually find it sufficient to extrapolate. I think our common custom is, obviously, a love or interest in computer games... and that already provides more than enough of a link for this community in particular. Sure, anyone can argue about anything if they really set their minds to it, give in to the "inner ape"... but that doesn't mean they should, rather than sit by the fire. Pent up frustration should be expelled on a punching bag, not on your fellow GOGers. And again, I'm speaking about rational individuals here and making an assumption we're mostly rational on these forums. Perhaps my initial hypothesis is further from the truth than I dare think :P. marcob: Civility/decency is not enough, it's mostly surface. Respect is deeper. But I suspect you and I too, word choices aside, actually agree 90%
The 10% leftover is perhaps more pragmatism on your end and more idealism on mine. I'm not afraid to look my own faults in the eye, and I've been known for wishful thinking in the past. Calling drowners game, heh... school of the bear, am I right? :P
Post edited March 04, 2022 by WinterSnowfall