Posted January 05, 2016
low rated
catpower1980: Bizzarely, in Belgium we only go to Köln for the Oktoberfest, what's so special about this carnival? Bigger event/crowd than in Berlin?
There's no 'carnival' in Berlin. Not this kind. Not the Weiberfastnacht to Aschermittwoch kind of carnival. These are more local events in that general Southern area of Germany, some federal states and cities we literally call "carnival strongholds". The events come with a strange kind of tradition and an absurd pride in the amount of alcohol consumed. In short, it's an all age group binge drinking festival with a bit of silly costume and dated jokes on top.
I'm not a big fan. :p
Actually, a friend of mine who's from the North originally - Hanover - lives in one of those strongholds. She tries to be out of town each year. We call people like her – again, a literal translation – a carnival refugee.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by Vainamoinen