Posted January 27, 2016

Blame right wing politics instead that doesn't want to encourage cheap housing being built because the housing businesses won't make as much money on cheap housing and living.

Naturally, for the same amount of population (around 11millions), Sweden has big advantage over Belgium as you have only half of the public debt that we have (around 212billions $ VS. around 438billions $).
Edit: I'm keeping it to public funding as the housings would be considered "social housings" for people living primarly on social welfare (if it's like in Belgium where you can keep your social house if you work but then your rent is adjusted)
Yes it solved that acute housing crisis but it also created problems further ahead. Some places got a bad reputation and would not exactly become slums but certainly places with lower standards than most other areas.
Another problem is that they all needs to be renovated at about the same time. Now we've become dependent on them and they're falling apart and needs a huge amount of money to make them decent again.
I don't think I nor our politicians wants to do something like that again.
The solution as I see it is building new cheap, small apartments and houses. Then we'll hopefully get people to move again. People that want a new shiny housing can move to it and our newcomers here in sweden can move into the still decent housing the others moved out off.
Also it would be worth it I think to start renovating our Million Programme housings. It'll be cheaper than building all new.
Here's a link about our Million Programme.
Edit: Missed one question.
We have what's called Social Assistance in Sweden. That's a allowance designed to keep you with a roof over your head and food. Basically that's it. The immigrants can live on that until they get a job. Believe me you won't be fat on it so the incentive to get a job will be great. Unfortunately that doesn't mean there will be available jobs but if swedes have to live on it if they have no other alternative so can they.
Post edited January 27, 2016 by Tarm