babark, the feeling is mutual, and given how little sleep I'm getting you would not believe how tired I am. But try to be brave and persevere. I can tell you from experience it can be rewarding.
If you are not interested in semantics, why do you constantly ask questions about the meanings of things? Language is how we are able to communicate with each other about such stuff... it's like you want to play, but don't like the game.
Unlike your false dilemmas (this is not an insult - it is the dictionary definition technical term for the kind of questions I quoted you as making), the dilemmas I'm trying to open your eyes to are real. You jumped into this thread asking questions that, as I explained to you, were leading to receiving confirmation of preexisting opinions. That's not WRONG. But it is what it is.
You like asking questions, but you don't like the answers.
For example, I was one of the three original answers you responded to (yogs, me and Timpuu I think). Now you say by implication my answer was not insightful? You even use words to kind of imply there was no threat at all, it
seems I was the only one noticing it,
perceiving it... etc...
Did you miss that Klumpen, who was the one being named and threatened, also saw it as a threat? Because I remember that. I would hope my track record would have built some confidence in you that I'm not making this stuff up... Also, did you consider most people are non confrontational and chose to ignore the threat, because like me, they considered it not serious, but unlike me, just decided to not make a big deal of it?
Well, is it or is it not a threat, in your opinion? Because you're not quite saying. You're
just asking questions. Don't you realize if you actually answered some questions both of us would be much less tired and actually understand each other better?
Look, I have tried to tell this to you several times. Maybe you don't call what you are doing "word games". But I do. If you have a better name for it, tell me, and I will use it to avoid offending you. I'm not sure that's possible unfortunately.
I mean you just read stuff all wrong. I am sad and angry. I am not gleeful at all. Do you actually believe that? 0_o When I catch you doing semantical or rhetoric tricks, I am not happy: I get pissed with you. Because the way you talk to me, makes me believe you are doing it on purpose.
The only times I see a glimpse of actual honest engagement from you is when after a lot of prodding, and what seems to me embarassing moments, you eventually let some of your emotional motivations surface.
Now I apologize in advance if this embarasses you, but let me give another tiring example.
What you just said was that the threat is conditional and if the conditions are not met, it is nonsensical to call it a threat.
If by nonsensical you mean not serious I guess I agree. But if "nonsense" actually means illogical - which is the normal meaning - then you are the one making a logical mistake. Not me.
Statement: If conditions A will happen then threat B will come true.
Analysis 1 - If it happens that A will not happen, then B was still a threat. It does not magically change into something else.
Analysis 2 - If it happens that A does happen but B still does not happen. That also does not make B less of a threat. It only proves it was not effected.
Analysis 3 - If A happens and B also happens. B will both have been a threat, and have become a reality.
Analysis 4 - Just to be exhaustive on the logical space, the case where A is false but B becomes true is the funky one, but irrelevant here.
To me this is what threats are in a nutshell... an intimidation tactic. If they scare someone, they don't have to be acted out, and they worked. Would that mean they were not ever actually threats? That is nonsense... Jamys did not really make an accusation - he made a threat. I am not gleeful, but I am sad that you continue to try and disagree with me without being direct about it not being a threat.
You: Hej guys, the accusation was kind of valid right?
Us: No, it was rather not. Baecause of many reasons.
Me: By the way describing it as an accusation rather than a threat is kind of wrong.
You: Tiresome evasions instead of responding directly to the implication I just made...
You just want to see only the accusation... for some reason... Nothing in your proposed logic makes the threat stop being a threat. It is just another way you are tiresomely avoiding actually saying what you believe. Do you think it was a threat or not babark?
Now let me again tell you why the threat is a big deal - to me and klumpen at least.
What matters here to some of us - the ones that care about the human angle in this stuff rather than just the ideological - are the human motivations. You really want it to be ideological, but it isn't. And it wasn't. It was just common decency to not threaten someone else... do you get that?
Why did jamys feel the need to threaten klumpen?
Who really acted like a jackbooted thug making threats (read - like a nazi) in this whole thing?
When people are acting like nazis, is it perhaps nonsensical to focus on their ideology rather than their behavior?
To me and klumpen, we got a glimpse into jamys' soul, and it was ugly. I for one try to not be afraid of ugly. Maybe jamys needs help. Maybe he needs to be fought. Think about it, maybe you will get it some day...
And while you're at it. Why do you, despite constantly saying you are curious, show such a lack of openess to the answers you are being given?