babark: Again, I don't know of any of the historical context or any cultural connotations of some of the words used there, but isn't this what (and again, absolutely without any negative or positive connotations implied) people are propagating here?
Remove all the proper nouns, focus less on the racial aspect (although it still seems very strong in this case as well) in favour of the cultural aspect, replace judaism with islam as the "outsider culture", replace quotes from the Talmud to quotes from the Quran as the "proof" and frame it within the context of multiculturalism being a failure, all cultures are not equal, and isn't it a reasonably good descriptor?
I suppose if one were to take it in the sense that it is an accusation of "You are (like the historical) nazis!" then it is probably not a nice thing to say, but as an approximation of the ideology, is it so wholly wrong?
I would say it is not at all similar.
Hitler was a delusional maniac who sought to cleanse the world via genocide, and the group that was centermost in his ire was essentially a passive, harmless people. The Jews didn't bake the blood of gentiles into their bread, didn't poison the wells, didn't cheat and steal from native Germans as any kind of racial assault, didn't do any of the things Germanic anti-Semites had been screaming about for centuries. It was all delusional, homicidal fantasy.
The Islamic war on civilization, however, is a very real and tangible thing.
I understand that this is not an easy thing to see from Pakistan, nor is it even representative of you and yours, as the Islamic radicals are but a minority in the Muslim world... but a very real and motivated minority, who believe only that their God desires to send them on to increasingly aggressive acts of mass murder. This is no fantasy. I don't need to read anyone's
Struggle to believe such a thing - I need only drive down the road to where we had our very own act of mass-murder by Daesh followers.
The "right wing" Europeans under criticism do not advocate the Nazi progroms or Final Solution. But, right or wrong - and we can all debate this - they feel it is the Islamists who are the fascists. It is Daesh, Al-Queda, Boko Haram, and all the others who are the evil; the proponents of genocide and tyranny.
Wanting to be free of fascism and evil is not advocating fascism and evil.