viperfdl: First: Let us stop calling them illegals. They are immigrants or refugees. Do some of them don't have legal papers? Certainly but not necessarily the majority.
Second: They are not all uneducated. Some of them have an academic degree. Some were physicians, lawyers or had other jobs requiring higher education.
That immigrants are only interested in welfare and doesn't want to work, is rather a myth than a fact.
I have to disagree.
First: Yes, call them immigrants. But not refugees. A refugee is someone in fear of his life or freedom. But they were already in democratic states and than they traveld further to other countries.
Second: Syria was a state with high academic achievements. The problem for most of them would be the recognition...
if you look into the problems of immigrants from Russia and even our own people from East Germany you would see
those problems.
Add the language and disaster is lurking behind the corner.
The educational system in Germany is a mess with every regional government trying their own agenda.
We don't have enough schools and teacher for 1 million+ new citizen.
Heck, we don't have enough flats for them.
There was an interesting report last year about a pilot project with young immigrants. It was running for
nearly a year and the result was that they could arrange an apprenticeship for three (3) of them.
Now you must understand that it takes very long (up to one year and longer) for an immigrant to get legal status
in Germany. And only after that he is allowed to work (there is talk about shorten this time).
But A BIG BUT this legal status applies only for the duration of 1 to 3 years with the possibility for extention and/or
permanent status.
Now the question for an you risk the costs for training an immigrant that maybe in a few years is gone?
Matruchus wrote about 6 million unemployed people in Germany (after removing the tricks)....thats only partially true.
The real question should be: How many of the new workers are able to live from their wages?
Most of the new jobs are low-wages jobs.
What I fear is that this sitiuation turns into something called Ghetto for most of our new citizen.