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KiNgBrAdLeY7: Preferably one with weapons usage.
Don't know how that will work since EU has a total firearms/weapons ban in the works. They go so far that even museum pieces will have to be damaged aka their firing mechanisms destroyed. Its all kind of pointless since all the djihadist/terorist weapons came to EU from the balkans.
Post edited January 13, 2016 by Matruchus
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Send your girls to learn a martial art. Self defense can be applied on sexual assault. Preferably one with weapons usage.

Hell, even my 2012 ex went and learned Kick-Boxing (she is half German half Greek, short and fat).

Law is lenient on girls, too.

Problem solved.

(since immigration not only isn't going to stop, but rather, even amplified)

I can't help but wonder, though, just WHERE are all those FEMINIST groups when they are actually NEEDED? I neither saw nor heard any ruckus, just some protests in nude, which were in most probability provocative towards the scum and filth, rather than repelling.
Let's stay realistic and accept, that you can't do much against 10-30 opponents surrounding you at the same time but to just hurt a few and make them all mad, even with a long blade which would be forbidden around here anyway, just like guns.
If I had girls they'd learn martial arts of course (with and without weapons), but they'd also learn to never overestimate themselves either and if someone thinks that he/she is able to handle a dozen or more attackers, he/she is overestimating himself indeed. In my club we simulated situations against 2 or 3 and this was mean stuff already.

KiNgBrAdLeY7: Preferably one with weapons usage.
Matruchus: Don't know how that will work since EU has a total firearms/weapons ban in the works. They go so far that even museum pieces will have to be damaged aka their firing mechanisms destroyed. Its all kind of pointless since all the djihadist/terorist weapons came to EU from the balkans.
Fits to all of this being planned in order to finally establish the EU-wide police state without too much opposition. :(
Post edited January 13, 2016 by Klumpen0815
Meanwhile, in France......

Today debate is about the latest drawing of Riss (cartoonist survivor of Charlie Hebdo) as it uses some kind of black humor which can offend depending of your political views and which degree of humor you have.....

See the picture attached below.... In French obviously so if you want the translation......

*** SPOILER***
What would have become the little Aylan if he had grown up?
Ass-grabber in Germany.
gog-riss.jpg (95 Kb)
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Preferably one with weapons usage.
Matruchus: Don't know how that will work since EU has a total firearms/weapons ban in the works. They go so far that even museum pieces will have to be damaged aka their firing mechanisms destroyed. Its all kind of pointless since all the djihadist/terorist weapons came to EU from the balkans.
Not absolutely true. In France you can have a gun from class 1 to 4 after 2 years of practicing licence if I remember correctly. And that include "having it for self defence"
While I'm dealing with French news:

A British school bus got attacked (throwing stones) by migrants in Calais with the children in it:

Eurotunnel flooded all the nearby fields to create more obstacles:

Am I the only one to picture a siege around a castle like in the middle ages? ^o^
Matruchus: Don't know how that will work since EU has a total firearms/weapons ban in the works. They go so far that even museum pieces will have to be damaged aka their firing mechanisms destroyed. Its all kind of pointless since all the djihadist/terorist weapons came to EU from the balkans.
Amadren: Not absolutely true. In France you can have a gun from class 1 to 4 after 2 years of practicing licence if I remember correctly. And that include "having it for self defence"
Yes, this is valid for now. I was talking about a new weapons law that eu is working on since november 2015 and will be valid in all european countries when it comes in to effect. It will override all national laws.
Post edited January 13, 2016 by Matruchus
viperfdl: First: Let us stop calling them illegals. They are immigrants or refugees. Do some of them don't have legal papers? Certainly but not necessarily the majority.
Second: They are not all uneducated. Some of them have an academic degree. Some were physicians, lawyers or had other jobs requiring higher education.
That immigrants are only interested in welfare and doesn't want to work, is rather a myth than a fact.
I have to disagree.
First: Yes, call them immigrants. But not refugees. A refugee is someone in fear of his life or freedom. But they were already in democratic states and than they traveld further to other countries.
Second: Syria was a state with high academic achievements. The problem for most of them would be the recognition...
if you look into the problems of immigrants from Russia and even our own people from East Germany you would see
those problems.
Add the language and disaster is lurking behind the corner.
The educational system in Germany is a mess with every regional government trying their own agenda.
We don't have enough schools and teacher for 1 million+ new citizen.
Heck, we don't have enough flats for them.
There was an interesting report last year about a pilot project with young immigrants. It was running for
nearly a year and the result was that they could arrange an apprenticeship for three (3) of them.

Now you must understand that it takes very long (up to one year and longer) for an immigrant to get legal status
in Germany. And only after that he is allowed to work (there is talk about shorten this time).
But A BIG BUT this legal status applies only for the duration of 1 to 3 years with the possibility for extention and/or
permanent status.
Now the question for an you risk the costs for training an immigrant that maybe in a few years is gone?

Matruchus wrote about 6 million unemployed people in Germany (after removing the tricks)....thats only partially true.
The real question should be: How many of the new workers are able to live from their wages?
Most of the new jobs are low-wages jobs.

What I fear is that this sitiuation turns into something called Ghetto for most of our new citizen.
Post edited January 13, 2016 by Schnuff
Schnuff: *snip*
Yes, you're right. And I know about the trickery in unemployment statistics because I also watched the respective part in Volker Pispers' performance.
But I fear that the immigrants who will get the permission to work here might take every offered job when they are desperate enough. And then the employers can say to employees: "See, there is someone who will work for less than you. Either you will agree to a lower wage or I will fire you and take one of them."
Certainly, that is easier said than done because of laws like dismissal protection. But wasn't the protection already lowered a few years ago? How can we be certain that that won't happen again?

It is not my intention to increase the resentments against immigrants because they are also just pawns in this game like every other employee in this country. But immigration is according to Prof. Richard D. Wolff another option for corporations to get cheap labour. I can't remember which video exactly it was but I'm sure it was one of his last monthly updates called Global Capitalism. I linked his videos from August until December here so it should be one of them, I think.
Schnuff: *snip*
viperfdl: Yes, you're right. And I know about the trickery in unemployment statistics because I also watched the respective part in Volker Pispers' performance.
But I fear that the immigrants who will get the permission to work here might take every offered job when they are desperate enough. And then the employers can say to employees: "See, there is someone who will work for less than you. Either you will agree to a lower wage or I will fire you and take one of them."
Certainly, that is easier said than done because of laws like dismissal protection. But wasn't the protection already lowered a few years ago? How can we be certain that that won't happen again?

It is not my intention to increase the resentments against immigrants because they are also just pawns in this game like every other employee in this country. But immigration is according to Prof. Richard D. Wolff another option for corporations to get cheap labour. I can't remember which video exactly it was but I'm sure it was one of his last monthly updates called Global Capitalism. I linked his videos from August until December here so it should be one of them, I think.
Thanks it's nice to see someone agreeing with me and elaborating on it which I'm not that good at myself.

On the topic of educated immigrants.
Here in sweden we do not have a swedish universal health care anymore. It'¨s very hard to get a doctor that aren't from the former eastern block, some arabian country or another strange place. They don't speak the language very well (I've had doctors using improvised hand signs for gods sake.), don't know our culture how we behave (Most swedes aren't very forceful and we might be in a lot of pain but all we say is "It hurts" as a example.) and there are lots of other barriers like sicknesses mostly in cold countries with a doctor from a country that's warm year round.
It's a fucking battle to get proper help here and we have a saying "You have to be healthy to be able to get any help from our medical care" it's that hard sometimes. People give up. It's a mess.
Where the swedish educated doctors are? Probably in Norway or another place with better wages or in private practices with better wages being paid mostly by us tax payers.
So yah educated immigrants aren't always a blessing.
flanner: where? how to induce them to work? by forced closing them into agricultural work camps?:) i mean illegals are more interested in being on welfare. they dont know even language and germany has too advanced industry.
i saw that workes on the video just working with pyrotechnics and reportedly also other other things.)
viperfdl: First: Let us stop calling them illegals. They are immigrants or refugees. Do some of them don't have legal papers? Certainly but not necessarily the majority.
Second: They are not all uneducated. Some of them have an academic degree. Some were physicians, lawyers or had other jobs requiring higher education.
That immigrants are only interested in welfare and doesn't want to work, is rather a myth than a fact.
it's natural thing that there is some small amount of university graduates. in case of lawyer it's quite useless as study of law is always tied together with law system of country where studies took place.
physicians - ok, some are possible. dont forget for validation of education. if is possible to accept every physician to be on westerns standarts level. it must be very difficult for middle-aged doctor to learn new language so good to be able to practise and study succesfully for aptitude testes in addition.
what about technicians? maybe some knowing oil mining but surely not automobile industry or other similar industries in germany.

the main problem is islam, not education, but as we could see there are surely high amount of rabble anyway. it would be naive to thing that you remake their thinking educated from childhood like women are secon-rate human, mpre likely just incubator for new muslims. now they take one week course how to behave to women and all will be ok? forget it :-)

when you are so captivated by their alleged high education try to remember if this fact could be all saving:

you maybe remember <span class="bold">this physician</span> or this civil engineer or you like <span class="bold">this architect</span> better?

play some rap and take cold compress then. useless to try explain how your merkel messes up schengen to you..
Post edited January 14, 2016 by flanner
flanner: *snip*
Ok, just to make it clear:
I never voted for Merkel or her party CDU/CSU.

Not every Muslim is a member of a terrorist group. Just because some educated Islamic people were/are Terrorists, doesn't make this true for the majority. Also not everyone of them is a criminal.

Yes, in the Islam women are rather a property than an equal human being. At least as far as I know and understand. And this people also come from countries with different cultures. Does this automatically make it impossible for them to adapt to our culture? No. So either they adapt and obey the laws of the country they come to or they have to leave.
flanner: *snip*
viperfdl: Ok, just to make it clear:
I never voted for Merkel or her party CDU/CSU.

Not every Muslim is a member of a terrorist group. Just because some educated Islamic people were/are Terrorists, doesn't make this true for the majority. Also not everyone of them is a criminal.

Yes, in the Islam women are rather a property than an equal human being. At least as far as I know and understand. And this people also come from countries with different cultures. Does this automatically make it impossible for them to adapt to our culture? No. So either they adapt and obey the laws of the country they come to or they have to leave.
There's the problem: No, they don't have to leave.
As was mentioned in the blog entry of the policeman about Article 53 of the Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz), their "Asylantrag" isn't even influenced by crimes that can't be punished by over 3 years of prison, so they definitely do NOT have to behave.
Post edited January 14, 2016 by Klumpen0815
Klumpen0815: There's the problem: No, they don't have to leave.
As was mentioned in the blog entry of the policeman about Article 53 of the Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz), their "Asylantrag" isn't even influenced by crimes that can't be punished by over 3 years of prison, so they definitely do NOT have to behave.
Yeah, I know.
And if you read the book "Deutschland im Blaulicht" you will learn that the situation is even worse.
flanner: *snip*
viperfdl: Not every Muslim is a member of a terrorist group. Just because some educated Islamic people were/are Terrorists, doesn't make this true for the majority. Also not everyone of them is a criminal.

Yes, in the Islam women are rather a property than an equal human being. At least as far as I know and understand. And this people also come from countries with different cultures. Does this automatically make it impossible for them to adapt to our culture? No. So either they adapt and obey the laws of the country they come to or they have to leave.
cant you see the clear common denominator of terrorism? not every muslim is terrorist but every terrorist is muslim. islam is simply security risk. you nerer know which muslim take penance and blast you up if being in the bad place at the bad time.
we are not talking about few individuals when you can carefully consider each one (if you could see into his head). we are talking about unverifiable mass, not mentioning possibility to consider offsprings which keep islam furter and further. mass which could even increase after winter.

we are not able evaluate mass. even merkel is not able to pick up terrorist or parents (grandparents) of future terrorists!

and what about islamization of europe? you dont mind such imagination? im really disgusted when i imagine it.
flanner: and what about islamization of europe? you dont mind such imagination? im really disgusted when i imagine it.
"And what about Judaization of Europe?" That's what Hitler said. Maybe you'll be the next great "führer" who knows ;)
Post edited January 14, 2016 by Amadren