catpower1980: I stole the blue suit from Judas and currently wear it:
Please, keep close to the facts (with a neutral POV preferably), I don't want this thread to be deleted. Thanks ;)
noncompliantgame: That is a fact, I don't have the link on hand and the thread won't get deleted and I'll have any point of view I want thank you.
Also just because you posted the thread doesn't give you any moderator rights.
And please point out what exactly it is I have said to provoke you. If you read my main post it is far more balanced than some of the comments that have been made so far in this thread.
Well, I'm still waiting for the source....
Somehow the "will be given weapon" makes me smile as in general people who want to commit crime will get weapons whatever their origins or backgrounds. Guns aren't authorized in Belgium but I can get one in my village if I want to. And if your source is a picture or video of some arab guy bragging with his collection of guns, sorry to burst your bubbles but it has always been like that for years.
Now, to get to the bottom of my point, I would like some quality in this thread as we have a large German community, it's interesting to get their point in view in priority and in details. Foreigners discussing about theories and conspiracies based on "somebody said" or "what if" is detrimental to whatever point you want to make across. In French speaking medias, fdesouche is considered the most extreme-right-wing newswebsite but they have the intelligence to not write their own conclusions but rather work as news aggregator from worldwide mainstream media so they can never be attacked as their sources are considered "mainstream".
A good example below....
Today, Bild has published an article about the concealment of the true crime numbers in regards to the refugee crisis.
Some quotes (google translated):
A senior police officer from Frankfurt / M. explains BILD: "For offenses of criminal suspects who have a foreign nationality and are reported in a reception center, we put the case on the desk immediately to the side."
The officer continued: "There are strict instructions of the Board of Directors, not to report offenses committed by refugees. Only direct requests from media representatives to such acts should be answered. "
Similar instructions were according to BILD information in NRW: incidents in and around refugee shelters should not be reported - unless it is attacks by neo-Nazis.
there were in 2015, according to Interior Minister Markus Ulbig Saxony (51, CDU) "1006 brutality and crimes against personal freedom" in asylum centers, including eleven cases of attempted manslaughter or murder.
Only three of these have been published. Eight cases of sexual abuse and rape, in part due to children, remained under wraps.