So this is my translation of the police report in the article of the Sueddeutsche Zeitung. It is for sure not perfect and if fellow German GoGers have more more accurate wordings, send me a pm.
"It were just too many at the same time" "At the forecourt and the cathedral stairs were several thousand persons, mainly men with a migration background who fired fireworks of every kind and randomly threw bottles into the crowd. Arriving at the parking space many wrought up persons were running at the action force(police) and reported among others about the above mentioned and brawling, theft, sex assaults and so on."
The report further states:"The action force was immediately involved in police measures. Even the appearance of the police force and the measures taken did not hold the masses back from their doings in front of the train station as well as in the train station. Around 22:45 more people with migration background streamed onto the full forecourt and into the train station. Women with company or without had to endure a running the gauntlet through the heavily drunk masses of men, which one can't describe. Since the improperly pyro use in form of throwing and firing into the mass of people increased the chief guard of the Landespolzei contaced me."
"We both came to the conclusion, that the encountered situation(chaos) will lead to serious harm if not dead people. The responsible Hundertschaftsführer(centurion?) was now at the scene and confirmed our assessment of the situation. After consultation with the Gesamteinsatzleitung of the Landespolizei we decided, because of the considerable danger to all people and things, to clear up the space from the cathedral stairs over the station forecourt in the direction of the Domprobst-Ketzner-Str."
"The responsible Hundertschaftsführer asked for situation related support for the removal, which a superintendent approved. [One Unit]...took over the blockage off the train station and was ready for situation based support at the main exit. The removal began at about 23:30 at upper part of the cathedral stairs in direction of the forecourt. As the clearing forces reached the main entrance of the station they blocked the central station at the main exit of the A-Tunnel for any movement of passenger traffic. Two police men were repeatedly fired at with fireworks and bottles thrown at them during the clearance. For that reason we supported, besides the blockade, the clearance of the operational area by the use of massive enforcement in the form of simple physical violence."
"The clearance was hindered, besides by the verbal communication, by the physical condition of the people because of excessive drinking of alcohol and use of other intoxicants(e.g. joint). End of the clearance at about 00:15. In the further course of the operation again and again repeated physical conflicts between persons as well as groups of persons, thefts and robberies happened at several places at the same time. Numerous crying and shocked women/girls appeared in the course of the operation at the police men and described sexual attacks by several male migrants/migrant groups. An identification was not possible anymore(see 8. i.a.)"
"The action forces could not handle all events, encroachments, crimes and so on, for that it were too many at the same time. Because of the variety of the above mentioned, the action force limited themselves to the settlement of the situation with the most necessary actions. Since one could not help every victim of a crime and arrest the perpetrator, the assigned police men reached the edge of frustration."
"At peak times it was not possible for the assigned units to record filed criminal charges. Besides the above mentioned situations the following events/incidents, which are not all listed here, occurred also:"
"1. Tearing apart residence permits with a smile in the face and the statement: "You can do nothing to me, tomorrow i get myself a new one"
2. "I am Syrian, you have to treat me kindly. Ms. Merkel invited me."
3. Dismissals were mostly carried out by the use of force. The person in question appeared again and again and made fun of the situation. Taking them in custody was not possible because of the capacity limit of the police station.
4. Closure of the platform due to overcrowding. Reaction: Use of the platform beside it over the track to get to the closed/overcrowded platform. This lead to a closure of the track since persons were on it, which did not help to mitigate the situation on the platforms.
5. Approaching of the trains only by physical conflicts - survival of the fittest.
6. Vomit everywhere in the station and places which were used as a toilet.
7. Many male persons(migrants) which without intention to travel slept their drunkenness off in all areas of the central station(bank counter, waiting room and so on).
8. When cries for help by victims were detected an intervention/reaching of the victim, perpetrators, witnesses was prevented by people standing about(members?) which for example concentrated the ring of persons around the victim/formed masses.
9. Victims/witnesses were when they named the perpetrator threatened on site or pursued afterwards.
Because of the constant presence of the police men and vigilant passersby in the central station completed rapes could be prevented. Noticeable was the very high number of migrants within the police measures of the Landespolizei and in the own jurisdiction.
Measures taken by the police force encountered a lack of respect which I have never experienced in my 29 years of service."
"The insufficient force approach, missing means of direction and resources( was not to be expected that way beforehand) brought all deployed forces very fast to their limit of performance. The police men worked through the operation in heavy protective gear wearing helmets from 21:45 to 07:30 without losing their commitment and their motivation. These chaotic and embarrassing situation at this new years eve lead to additional motivation within the
force for conservation of evidence and the force for detention, the "Regeldienst der Bundespolizei Köln and the deployed forces of the "Landespolizei"."