Is it futile? The answers are difficult but I think valuable, so if you have the statistics that disprove my implications show me. :) You can't because in Europe they are not published. When they do, like in Sweden, well...
I think truly futile is pretending this is an isolated case without any context. Futile is also trying to make the only context that matters be about substance abuse or organized crime or mass revelry. Futile is acting as if there is absolutely no problem derived from the lack of proper assimilation policies preferred by multiculturalism.
You and I know very well that this is exactly the place for debating Islam, culture and misogyny. And what is really futile is to dismiss valid concerns. Or rather, to dismiss the attempt at ascertaining their factual validity.
Many here are doing very good at calming down those discussions from their irrational kneejerk emotional ways. Which is great - because it allows the same discussion to happen calmly. But where are the statistics?
Seems to me many don't want to have that discussion at all and any excuse serves... there's nothing to see here... move along, move along citizen... worrying is futile, we're taking care of everything...