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low rated
Screw the Kremlin and its threats, economic sanctions are totally appropriate (direct military intervention is another matter, would be opposed to it, but all this whining about poor Russia being sanctioned is getting annoying).
low rated
morolf: Screw the Kremlin and its threats, economic sanctions are totally appropriate (direct military intervention is another matter, would be opposed to it, but all this whining about poor Russia being sanctioned is getting annoying).
I don't want to derail the thread but isn't it illegal to own Komodo Dragons since they are an endangered species?
low rated
Jorev: I don't want to derail the thread but isn't it illegal to own Komodo Dragons since they are an endangered species?
I've got a special permit (am also allowed to feed people who ask annoying questions to my dragons btw).
low rated
Swissy88: Translation: "I have no idea what's actually going on, I saw a post headline or saw a 2 minute video from a mainstream news outlet and now I pretend to know what's actually happening."
timppu: It is not really hard to understand what happened and what is going on.

Putin tried to do the same to Ukraine that they already did in Belarus before, ie. install a puppet leader who does what Putin tells him to do.

The Ukrainians foiled his plans and wouldn't accept his puppet, for which reason Putin finally decided to attack Ukraine.

However, due to poor Russian intelligence and Putin's own delusions, it wasn't a such a cakewalk as Putin expected, and Russia's losses have been piling up. For this reason, Putin has tried to break Ukrainian's backbone by openly attacking civilian targets and doing other atrocities.

Why anyone outside Russia would defend Putin and Russia in this conflict is beyond me. Maybe some people just want to be on the side of evil? Maybe they think they are cool doing so?
Don't suck on the propaganda too hard. It's not healthy.
low rated
darthspudius: Don't suck on the propaganda too hard. It's not healthy.
Wise words no doubt spoken from a place of experience. You're like one of those warnings on cigarette packets where they show the effect smoking has on someone's lung.
low rated
timppu: It is not really hard to understand what happened and what is going on.

Putin tried to do the same to Ukraine that they already did in Belarus before, ie. install a puppet leader who does what Putin tells him to do.

The Ukrainians foiled his plans and wouldn't accept his puppet, for which reason Putin finally decided to attack Ukraine.

However, due to poor Russian intelligence and Putin's own delusions, it wasn't a such a cakewalk as Putin expected, and Russia's losses have been piling up. For this reason, Putin has tried to break Ukrainian's backbone by openly attacking civilian targets and doing other atrocities.

Why anyone outside Russia would defend Putin and Russia in this conflict is beyond me. Maybe some people just want to be on the side of evil? Maybe they think they are cool doing so?
darthspudius: Don't suck on the propaganda too hard. It's not healthy.
Pot meet kettle.
low rated
The original thread got buried because they locked it for political discussion... because GOG makes sense and isn't totally an arrogant 'rules for thee but not for me' den of hypocrisy.

timppu: It is not really hard to understand what happened and what is going on.
Yes, it is. Any pleb who claims they completely understand the situation without question during this fog of war period is being intellectually dishonest.
Post edited March 13, 2022 by ReynardFox
low rated
There were many threads about it and they were locked. GOG, like steam or any other corporation will follow the money and won't hesitate to throw a section of their customers under the bus for brownie points from overnight peace activists.
low rated
timppu: Do you also feel Britain and France shouldn't have backed up Poland when Hitler decided to invade Poland? Just let Hitler do what Hitler wants to do, let's not escalate?
Isn't that exactly what they did when they helped Hitler's Germany and Poland tear off pieces from Czechoslovakia?
timppu: Putin tried to do the same to Ukraine that they already did in Belarus before, ie. install a puppet leader who does what Putin tells him to do.
Lol dude, you don't really know what you're talking about, do you? Lukashenko was already the president of Belarus, when no one really heard about Putin
Post edited March 13, 2022 by JuWalk
low rated
§pec†re: They did it early when they should have just waited for any official sanctions.

Poland is in a tricky spot right now. Someone posted they were getting sanctioned by the EU along with Hungary for some reason. The US was poking them to supply planes to Ukraine which would have put them on the firing line and the BBC was smearing them over refugees.
rabblevox: Poland and Hungary are indeed being sanctioned by the EU, specifically over their shocking mistreatment of their LGBT citizens. It should have happened long ago. EU membership carries enormous benefits, but there are rules, especially around human rights. Poland could choose to treat their gay citizens like, well, citizens, and the sanctions would be dropped.

As to BBC "smears". It's true that the BBC frequently doesn't play fair, but they aren't faking the video of dark-skinned people being turned away from aid. Racism and nativism run really, really deep in eastern Europe, much deeper than in the US, in some ways.

I find it quite possible to hate Putin, and still hate racism and homophobia, even by our allies.
Aside from what was already mentioned by ssling (that "sanctions" are about "rules of law") - there are no laws in Poland that would persecute "LGBT citizens" in any way (and if there are, name at least one).
And the vast majority of the Polish citizens are absolutely uninterested if someone prefers opposite or the same sex, so there are no issues with violent behaviours either. As for negative attitude toward "parades" - everybody has the right to their opinions, it's some kind of twisted logic to think that if you don't like those parades (or protest against them), you're "homophobic" or "aggressive". Statement about "discrimation" doesn't have any basis.
low rated
rabblevox: Poland and Hungary are indeed being sanctioned by the EU, specifically over their shocking mistreatment of their LGBT citizens. It should have happened long ago. EU membership carries enormous benefits, but there are rules, especially around human rights. Poland could choose to treat their gay citizens like, well, citizens, and the sanctions would be dropped.

As to BBC "smears". It's true that the BBC frequently doesn't play fair, but they aren't faking the video of dark-skinned people being turned away from aid. Racism and nativism run really, really deep in eastern Europe, much deeper than in the US, in some ways.

I find it quite possible to hate Putin, and still hate racism and homophobia, even by our allies.
MartiusR: Aside from what was already mentioned by ssling (that "sanctions" are about "rules of law") - there are no laws in Poland that would persecute "LGBT citizens" in any way (and if there are, name at least one).
And the vast majority of the Polish citizens are absolutely uninterested if someone prefers opposite or the same sex, so there are no issues with violent behaviours either. As for negative attitude toward "parades" - everybody has the right to their opinions, it's some kind of twisted logic to think that if you don't like those parades (or protest against them), you're "homophobic" or "aggressive". Statement about "discrimation" doesn't have any basis.
People have the right to their opinion only when it coincides with the opinion of the SJW. In all other cases, they are villains who must shove their opinions away and do what they are told. This is the crazy world we live in)
low rated
I stand with Russian and Belarusian.
Fuck GOG.
low rated
timppu: Putin tried to do the same to Ukraine that they already did in Belarus before, ie. install a puppet leader who does what Putin tells him to do.
Damn, Putin is so great and advanced he travelled back in time and installed Lukashenko into power as a puppet. Amazing!
low rated
Last I heard, Poland wanted to send their outdated Soviet-era MiG jets to the United States at the Rammstein airbase in Deutschland as a gift to be sent to Ukraine and then have those shitty jets replaced by our government. The United States government basically said, "Fuck, no! We are not your middlemen. We don't want them at all, and that isn't going to happen. You want to send them, send them directly." Those F-16s we have cost $35 million each and they aren't free. Europeans gotta handle this by themselves, because the folks here want nothing to do with it at all. The people I mean. As I said, our piggy bank is running low for European insanity. My state of WV already sent them body armor and weapons.. I see lots of folks seeming to know the whole scenario, but I don't think anyone truly does. Too much propaganda from all sources. I think the best the U.S. is going to do is send our idiot VP to giggle at folks. Weird thing is...Russia is very close to the U.S. geographically (across from Alaska) and we're not on any alert at all. The world is indeed strange.

kbnrylaec: I stand with Russian and Belarusian.
Fuck GOG.
I know you do, buddy. You write it about 300 times a day. I admire the dedication, I guess. Next time, write Russia and Belarus to make it make sense in English.
Post edited March 13, 2022 by JoaoPauloZA
low rated
§pec†re: They did it early when they should have just waited for any official sanctions.

Poland is in a tricky spot right now. Someone posted they were getting sanctioned by the EU along with Hungary for some reason. The US was poking them to supply planes to Ukraine which would have put them on the firing line and the BBC was smearing them over refugees.
rabblevox: Poland and Hungary are indeed being sanctioned by the EU, specifically over their shocking mistreatment of their LGBT citizens. It should have happened long ago. EU membership carries enormous benefits, but there are rules, especially around human rights. Poland could choose to treat their gay citizens like, well, citizens, and the sanctions would be dropped.

As to BBC "smears". It's true that the BBC frequently doesn't play fair, but they aren't faking the video of dark-skinned people being turned away from aid. Racism and nativism run really, really deep in eastern Europe, much deeper than in the US, in some ways.

I find it quite possible to hate Putin, and still hate racism and homophobia, even by our allies.
Poland is being sanctioned for its Judicial system and the mining of fossil fuels. It has nothing to do with this LGBTQ+ hexagon ampersand dodecahedron business. The EU is telling Poland that their laws are not exactly EU constitutional and is trying to force them to change. This is why the EU is bad IMHO. A nation suckles at the EUs financial teet and loses its sovereignty. That's probably why the Brits were smart enough to leave.
Post edited March 13, 2022 by JoaoPauloZA