nightcraw1er.488: The first matrix was really good, the other two were meh at best. This probably won't even live up to those two.
Animatrix was also good :)
I thought the trilogy was alright... i wouldn't say as good as say Lord of the Rings or something...
Although i recall playing the '
Path of Neo' on Xbox some time ago, and the training simulations of you being bruce-lee to do your martial arts was a bit off :P
I suppose the big problem with reloaded/revolutions was they threw in combat/action scenes when they weren't part of the story to keep the audience from being bored, and all of this after Neo had become '
the one' or almost god, and had advanced too fast in the theme of the series, while just fine in the first movie. They needed more time to grow, but then it might have ended up as 4-5 movies, rather than 3... And the cliff hangers...