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Posting didn't work as expected, I'll create a new thread. This thread should be deleted.

Correct thread
Post edited December 21, 2015 by pavo.gog
Thread ignored, as you wish ; )
mike_cesara: Thread ignored, as you wish ; )
Thanks :)
mike_cesara: Thread ignored, as you wish ; )
pavo.gog: Thanks :)
You're welcome : )
I think something went wrong, can't see your other thread on the topics list..
topics.png (101 Kb)
pavo.gog: Thanks :)
mike_cesara: You're welcome : )
I think something went wrong, can't see your other thread on the topics list..
Should now be visible...

I used the same subject, the system added "_1" to the link, but it didn't show up. I removed it and created another thread.

@Staff: If you create a second thread with the same name as an existing thread, the second one is not visible - maybe a bug?
