Firebrand9: So, hatespeech against hatespeech is
not hatespeech?
*scratches head*
1984, coming to a EU near you!
No, because "hate speech" is directed against someone for what they are, not what they do or say. If your victim is black, white, Arab, East Asian, inciting hatred on that basis is a crime. If your victim male, female, gay, lesbian or transgender, inciting hatred on that basis is a crime. If you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Atheist, inciting hatred on that basis is a crime (and let's be clear, a person's religion is very distinct from what crimes they choose to commit using that religion as an excuse).
If I called you a yankee cunt, THAT would be bordering on "hate speech" because you can't really help being American.
Political convictions, however, are fair game. They are choices made, not states of being.
Then again, I wonder how much of it is a "choice" on your part, because you seem to be parroting the same shite from Breitbart et al. without much understanding of what "hate speech" actually is.
Starmaker: So even though the EU is ruled by Germany, and Germany is ruled by the Christian Democrats, who are terrible (obvious from the name alone, really), it's still much better than no EU at all.
While I'm not entirely in disagreement with your point - I do agree that the EU is flawed but absolutely necessary, and efforts should go towards its reform as opposed to its downfall - and while I have no particular love for the CDU, quoting them as "terrible" is a bit strange. Merkel has been an ineffective chancellor, I'll give you that much, and Germany has definitely been on a downhill slope since she got into power (putting superficial economic figures above actual social stability), but the CDU is one of the least worst of a bad bunch.
The "Christian" in "Christian Democrats" really doesn't have any bearing on their policy at all. I was trying to find a Russian equivalent, until it dawned on me that all Russian parties are either some flavour of left-wing, right-wing extremist, or right-wing populist (like Yedinaya Rossia in the latter case).
I'm still undecided on my vote next year, but I'll tell you what - it'd sooner go to Merkel than it would to the Left Party or AfD (but it probably won't go to Merkel - I'm edging towards spoiling my ballot paper)