Natural phenomenon, only to be expected. As i have said many times before and have been downvoted, "Democracy" IS NOT actually, democracy. This word is a paradox, in and by itself! We live in a neo-feudal era in which everyone uses words that they do not, cannot, aren't able to understand, meanings completely devoid of content, sense, or actual manifestation in reality and no one actually spots or understands the FASCISM and OPPRESSION, lurking in each and every corner out there! If you are not a politically correct, boot-licker of minorities, passionate defender of the different elements, of "variety", you can never hope to find rest or others to cut you a break, ANYWHERE! Even without you using or suggesting any form of violence against something or someone, you are labelled a hatred-filled demon, enemy of society, someone to be disposed of and discarded!
In the beginning, it was acceptance and tolerance, then it became an invasion, a coup, an enforced tyranny, a real conquest without battle fought or spilt blood or opened noses, an outbreak of REAL dictatorship, which like ANY dictatorship ever instigated, it uses MASTERFULLY "propaganda", "censorship" and active hunt against those who think differently, or refuse to become servile tools to the new world order, globalization, enforced multiculturalism, etc etc etc!
Both polar sides are dangerous, yet as everyone knows, left wing extremists, whenever and wherever they took over power, they did far more worse things (at least in numbers and "score"), than their always hated and black sheeped, opposite side representatives.
Beware socialism, mates! "Politics; now that's the stuff that will kill you"!
Ah and don't forget, everything is a _phobia! You don't like something? You don't agree to something? Then you are mentally ill, you are afraid of everything around you and you should consult a psychologist to help you overcome said phobia! Now be good kids and take your pills and if you don't behave...? You are going to have legal consequences, of course! Enjoy. Courtesy of "democracy".
Who was that other Renaissance philosopher who once said; "I might disagree with you, but i will fight, so as your opinion has a RIGHT to be HEARD from everyone, just like mine"??? Some people mumble incoherently that "Democracy" is the fruit of Renaissance, which brought "freedom" and "culture", brought civilization back restored after the brutality of the dark ages, yet somehow, for whatever reason, i see more "dark age" today, rather than "Renaissance"... Strange...
Post edited June 02, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7