Posted September 18, 2015
I've been wathing a lot of super mario maker recently and I love watching it but the game is not for me:
1. I am not really creative so I have no desire to make levels
2. As far as I can tell the majority of user made levels are terrible for me because they all try to be kaizo mario or ridiculous without thinking about good level design. Fun to watch but not fun to play.
So I downloaded mario bros x and that seems like a good hack/fangame (not sure about the right name since this is standalone) after playing a few levels.
Can you guys recommend me some other great fan made games (mario). But again: main priority is good level design. The closest it gets to the original game the more i will like it.
1. I am not really creative so I have no desire to make levels
2. As far as I can tell the majority of user made levels are terrible for me because they all try to be kaizo mario or ridiculous without thinking about good level design. Fun to watch but not fun to play.
So I downloaded mario bros x and that seems like a good hack/fangame (not sure about the right name since this is standalone) after playing a few levels.
Can you guys recommend me some other great fan made games (mario). But again: main priority is good level design. The closest it gets to the original game the more i will like it.