anothername: An AAA Game in 2016? As in singular? One planned AAA game that year? oO
0Grapher: That doesn't sound good at all. I hope that they mean a new AAA game.
"Release of a AAA game developed by an unaffiliated entity with full support for GOG Galaxy,
concurrent with its
global release date. "
I'm pretty sure that means it's a new game.
JinKazaragi: I don't like the sound of some comments or statements about Galaxy, in my opinion it should stay completely optional (excepting MP in some cases) I don't want to start again to crack every game I buy just to be able to play it without a client (I dont like forced clients no matter if they're offline or not).
BKGaming: How many doom and gloom comments are we up to now? GOG has banked it's entire reputation on Galaxy being optional, these "OMG there going to make Galaxy mandatory" comments are beyond silly at this point. I swear people just post them to get the fear mongering going. Galaxy is only needed for MP and it makes perfect sense why that is the case that has nothing to do with DRM.
Usually I agree about the comments, but this is worrying me:
"Expansion of GOG Galaxy with new features and networking technologies
required by new CD PROJEKT RED
products. "
I might interpret too much into it but I still dont like the sound of it.