Even roguelikes have statistics screens telling me what is exactly wrong when I feel ill or pain or how much xp i need to gain to level up.
It is very hard to figure out in real life what actually helps gain xp, can exercise tons but still be weak and maybe have some status ailment like arthritis or runner's knee and not even know which one i have if have something like knee pain.
Leroux: I can't seem to figure out how to level up though ...
awalterj: The answer is massive grind with
intention and focus.
Gaming allows you to level up in-game with massive grind alone but it's just an illusion that does not work with real life skills.
It is very hard to grind in real life because of the lack of feedback. In order to learn or get stronger one needs to figure out what feedback is important. In other rogueikes I can see xp appearing giving me feedback, and I can see the exact damage an enemy does to me unlike real life where if I get hit I have no idea what kind of damage is actually done. Like if I stood outside too long in the cold, do I have frostbite, where is the status ailment screen! I'm even trying to increase my cold resistance with cold showers and stuff but I'm afraid of the various status ailments and it is hard to tell if I'm actually afflicted with something like frostbite or chilblains.
Having a lack of status ailment screen causes me to be a hypochondriac in real life which is a very annoying mental status ailment.
(honestly generally prefer none roguelke video games cause I like to reload saves and such to see the results of different actions.)
I also try meditative breathing but it doesn't seem to be working and I can't figure out if i'm actually gaining xp in the skill.