boztix: I was wondering which of the two to buy. I want a pirate game but I do not know which one to choose.
Which is better?
I haven't played Corsair as yet, so can't tell you about that.
What I can talk about is Man O War, and I will start by summing up that even if it was free I wouldn't recommend it. Now let me drill down as to why:
Graphically it is moderate to poor. Seviceable maybe, bland and empty would be more words for it.
Animation, if you took several new people to animation they would come up with this dreadful stick like movement. None of the fluidity of movement you would get with any other game, its actually laughable in most places, but even worse in others.
Setting, I really like Warhammer world, and would have liked this have some of that. As it is, the "cities" have about 3 npcs in them, one even may walk about!
Quests, probably two or three uniques, go here-kill that, go here-deliver this, sort of thing. Couldn't see any overiding point to it.
Bugs, so many, from your ship stuck just below the water line, to floating ships, or getting teleported from town to the middle of the sea. Obviously pre-alpha release was fine.
So if I was given the choice between this one and any game (other than maybe Tempest), I would take the other game, especially when you see the hilarious £16 price with a reduction (I paid full pre-order). Play anything other than this, I might try Sea Dogs - City of Abandoned Ships next as that gets good reviews. Sid Meiers Pirates is quite fun. AC: Black Sail, and Rogue of course have all the piratey action and other then the endless collectibles and modern day parts, are very enjoyable. So is Risen 2 and 3, which are quite piratey.