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Gremlion: Says Finn.
For 300 years leached Russian resources, betrayed us in first world war, joined Hitler in second.
Are you seriously trying to trash talk a Nordic nation?
timppu: The Putin troll factories are working overtime it seems. Hopefully the people there are being compensated for overtime work.
You know, that article was really comforting. It gives me hope that they understand what they're saying is hogwash and that they don't really believe it.
low rated
timppu: The Putin troll factories are working overtime it seems. Hopefully the people there are being compensated for overtime work.
Hm? I'm unemployed right now, moving to Crimea for government job. - part of gathered documents, you can see миниcтерство республики Крым :)
(Ministry of Crimean Republic)
timppu: Anything to fend off the invading Russian aggressors, and evade what happened to e.g. Estonia. Fortunately Estonians were able to gain freedom decades later (when USSR collapsed), no wonder they hurried to NATO.
Over 300 years Russia invested into finns so much that you was able to attack Russia. Ungrateful pigs.
Let's look at Estonia:
Stable growth in USSR, extinction in EU.
15% of population already fled and things are looking even better with EU dumping refugees into Baltic countries.
They did a meeting about this today :)
No jobs, no future.
Post edited October 15, 2015 by Gremlion
timppu: The Putin troll factories are working overtime it seems. Hopefully the people there are being compensated for overtime work.
bevinator: You know, that article was really comforting. It gives me hope that they understand what they're saying is hogwash and that they don't really believe it.
It is called information warfare. Every state uses it. Yes, even USA.
Welcome to the future, son.

PS: every time you use T-word in a discussion, you lose. A small note to timppu.
Gremlion: Says Finn.
For 300 years leached Russian resources, betrayed us in first world war, joined Hitler in second.
Elenarie: Are you seriously trying to trash talk a Nordic nation?
For 3/4 of my life I lived closer to NP than Finland is.
Gremlion: Says Finn.
For 300 years leached Russian resources, betrayed us in first world war, joined Hitler in second.
Elenarie: Are you seriously trying to trash talk a Nordic nation?
You're one to talk.
What is clear now after the Dutch investigation is finished is that all the rumour of an Ukrainian jet in the days right after the killing were just propaganda moves of Russia. It was a Buk rocket and in my opinion most probably a Russian Buk launching plattform operated by Ukrainians or Russians. Of course we will never really know so anyone can have any opinion.

But all that for a few kilometres of land in a situation where Russia has more of it than it really needs and even could acquire Crimea relatively easy. How pathetic is it in the end? How nice could life be if Russia would have decided differently...
bevinator: You know, that article was really comforting. It gives me hope that they understand what they're saying is hogwash and that they don't really believe it.
vsr: It is called information warfare. Every state uses it. Yes, even USA.
Welcome to the future, son.
Congratulations, you successfully failed to understand either my comment or the implications of my comment. It's obviously disinformation rather than misinformation; the important thing is whether the people spreading the disinformation believe it.
Trilarion: What is clear now after the Dutch investigation is finished is that all the rumour of an Ukrainian jet in the days right after the killing were just propaganda moves of Russia. It was a Buk rocket and in my opinion most probably a Russian Buk launching plattform operated by Ukrainians or Russians. Of course we will never really know so anyone can have any opinion.
Investigation doesn't disprove Ukrainian jet. Russian radars definitely saw it.
Part of training of AA crew is to "catch" real moving jet,
Possible scenario is that during training Ukrainians "caught" own jet, which was target practice or dropped them, made a launch, and rocket switched to bigger target (civilian airliner)

Trilarion: But all that for a few kilometres of land in a situation where Russia has more of it than it really needs and even could acquire Crimea relatively easy. How pathetic is it in the end? How nice could life be if Russia would have decided differently...
Man, we talked about this. "Overthrowing evil russian putin's bloody dictator" didn't improve life in Ukraine in a slightest.
And it wouldn't. They already had "Pro-eu" revolution
They overthrew Yanukovich (yep, HIM)
Then got pro-EU president.
After 3 years overthrew him
Then elected Yanukovich AGAIN.
Then overthrew.
That's mental asylum, not a country.
Biggest problem which Ukraine has - GDP of Greece >GDP of Ukraine and population of Greece 10 times less than of Ukraine.
Nobody has annual $trillion to improve Ukrainian life at least to Greece's level.
Elenarie: Are you seriously trying to trash talk a Nordic nation?
I supposed this was an invitation...
Gremlion: It does. "Hey, someone destroyed airliner, let's put sanctions on Russia". Why not on Ukraine, which allowed fly zone?
My country loses billions because of actions we can't be related to.
As if anything would have change if it turns out that Ukraine shot down the machine. If it turns out that Ukraine shot down the plane it will be twisted into "Ukraine was forced into a civil war through war by proxy, more sanctions for Russia!". If it turns out that the rebels shot down the plane it will be twisted into "Russia sponsored a civil war in Ukraine through war by proxy, more sanctions for Russia!". Either way Russia gets the shaft.

timppu: Yes, because the rebels couldn't have realistically operated a BUK without Russian involvement.
Does the BUK scan your identity to make sure you are an active member of the Russian army and currently in service before it lets you operate? If not then anyone with the knowledge can operate it, regardless of who they are. And that's assuming the plane was indeed shot down by a BUK. Maybe it was, maybe not, this entire affair is more than fishy.
HiPhish: ... Does the BUK scan your identity to make sure you are an active member of the Russian army and currently in service before it lets you operate? If not then anyone with the knowledge can operate it, regardless of who they are. And that's assuming the plane was indeed shot down by a BUK. Maybe it was, maybe not, this entire affair is more than fishy.
In a way the affair is also clear. There was/is a war and in a war if you are not very careful you usually kill civilians. Without Russia this war would never have been started, the Buks would never be there and the killing might not have been started.

Basically those who started shooting are the ones who stepped over a border. You cannot just take justice in your own hands, especially not like this. This only results in dead people, children, women, old men and other men. That's the sad truth.

What I want to say is that Russians living in Eastern Ukraine were not threatened so much last year that it would be justifiable to take up arms. No way. Also fighting for such a small piece of land sounds so pathetic. And it's my belief that without Russian support they would never ever have dared it and the killing would not even have started or have been much, much smaller. Just compare how many people died on Maidan with how many people died in Eastern Ukraine. A hundred times more?

So the big question is why all these civilians had to die and my answer would be because Putin thought this would be a good idea and then he send all kinds of weapons and soldiers into Eastern Ukraine. And the Russian people mostly did not stand up against him. Probably I'm biased a bit, but then who is not these days...
Post edited October 15, 2015 by Trilarion
HiPhish: As if anything would have change if it turns out that Ukraine shot down the machine. If it turns out that Ukraine shot down the plane it will be twisted into "Ukraine was forced into a civil war through war by proxy, more sanctions for Russia!". If it turns out that the rebels shot down the plane it will be twisted into "Russia sponsored a civil war in Ukraine through war by proxy, more sanctions for Russia!". Either way Russia gets the shaft.
This too. My impression of what goes in Donbass - EU/US oligarchs trying to capture mines which belong to Ukrainian oligarchs Akhmetov and Firtash.
These mines bring billions of dollars annually & densely packed.
They can afford private armies, plus workers, which suffered collateral damage defend themselves too.
This explains why 2 republicks and why there are many former convicts - easy money.

Actual Russian invasion with the intention of getting country would've ended overnight.
Belarus has Russian "fast reaction" forces, 180km from Kiev - 3 hours on tank.
12pm - order to move
3 am - tanks in Kiev
6 am - TV/Radio captured and translate "If army moves you get missile strikes"
HiPhish: And that's assuming the plane was indeed shot down by a BUK. Maybe it was, maybe not, this entire affair is more than fishy.
Descendant of Buk manufacturer made 2 experiments, they don't doubt that it was Buk.
Trilarion: What I want to say is that Russians living in Eastern Ukraine were not threatened so much last year that it would be justifiable to take up arms. No way.
Basing on the reports you wanted to hear?
"We are good guys, saving poor Ukraine from evil Russia"?
You want to see these people in EU? Want to see them in Germany?

Do you realise how tired people of the East of constant revolutions in capital, which didn't improve their life. At all.
Look GDP of Ukraine over 20 years. ZERO growth.

As for people of the East treated well...
Google Maidan shooting - "unknown" snipers trained in Poland
killed some policemen from Berkut.
These policemen have place of origin, they returned to their families after revolution.
AND joined people protesting against people, which killed their friends.
Post edited October 15, 2015 by Gremlion
Gremlion: I supposed this was an invitation...
I'll take being gay any day over being a nationalistic shit in 2015, thank you very much.
Atlantico: ...
timppu: Nobody expects the Icelandic Inquisition, because it doesn't exist!
You will be poked with the soft cushions!