dick1982: koolaid. can i have my 1 billion ringgit now?
Ask US, it's their fault.
HiPhish: Does it really matter who shot down the plane?
It does. "Hey, someone destroyed airliner, let's put sanctions on Russia". Why not on Ukraine, which allowed fly zone?
My country loses billions because of actions we can't be related to.
dick1982: it was shot down over pro-russia grounds. both sides allowed it in ukraine. international carriers allowed it.
so russia is slightly more guilty than everyone else involved.
Nobody asked rioting republics about permissions, it's still Ukrainian zone of responsibility.
Biggest problem:
We are talking about 27 confirmed with satellite photos Ukrainian buks
http://i.imgur.com/OItx9oQ.jpg being near zone where supposed launch happened.
Ukraine has aviation AND anti-air missiles
Rebels - no aviation, only confirmed handheld AA weapon. "Buk was given by Russia" is a photoshop; "captured Buk" was dismissed by Ukrainian ministry of defence.
Why they were here? They did "military training".
In warzone, close to "elite putin invasion force" which doesn't use airstrikes.
That's like an invitation for them to do fast attack and capture AA missiles, right?
Why would ANYONE do training near front, with weapon useless against opponent, but if captured capable of providing enormous boost to them.
Have you seen this report?
http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf Pages 11 and onward are the most interesting
In 1962 USA was capable of producing drone jets for false flags operations.
Which are the best ones?
Boeing produces surveillance jets for US army, best scouts are the ones you don't mind losing - I don't doubt that it can be remotely controlled.
It's easy because all pilot commands are going through computer first, there is no direct mechanical control. Pilot's input can be substituted with outer input.
Small list of catastrophes where Boeings unexplainable change their routes with disastrous results:
KAL 902
Kal 007
And MH17