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AzureKite: if you admit this as a proof, then it must be affirmed that these so-called militia (what a word for freaks with artillery and tanks) have AA units, because we also have hearsay evidence of it.
They might, they might not. We both know there are three versions (with variations), each "supported" by someone's claims: 1) they have it; 2) they don't have it; 3) they have it, but it's not operational. Who to believe?
AzureKite: Russia on the other hand does provide armaments support at the least. Who precisely? Nationalist groups, oligarchs, military? Can't say.
Same here. Well, there were some organizations gathering money for the people of Donbass, they sent stuff like food and clothes there; I highly doubt they sent armaments as well though. I know I didn't send any rifles either.
XenSavage: 1. This proves exactly nothing - they needed to take airport to prevent UA military planes from getting there.
Would you kindly read till

Six tank and one APC were previously destroyed as a result of the first combat flight of the Sukhoi Su-25 strike fighter, seized from the Ukrainian Air Force.
XenSavage: 2. Being serious is what i'm asking of you. Or do you really think that alcoholics and thugs (90% of the "rebels" there) can operate something as complex as Buk ?
So you did mean it. Sorry, I missed the news where the investigation committee proved and announced that Boeing was shot down by a missile fired by the pro-feds. Remind me, when they said that. And please, no "everyone knows that/'murica said so" BS.
XenSavage: 3. And Russia had overtaken part of Georgia without any right to do so either. Not to mention the Crimea with faked referendum which has no legal meaning whatsoever.
We were talking about Obama having or not having something (and he did have enough to start an "operation" in Libya) and suddenly it's about Georgia and Crimea. Care to explain your logic?
XenSavage: If that's your level of argumentation i don't think we can discuss anything productively here, sorry.
Fine by me, all the same all our theories and guesses are literally nothing till the investigation is complete.
Post edited July 25, 2014 by Sanjuro
Sanjuro: Fine by me, all the same all our theories and guesses are literally nothing till the investigation is complete.
This is where you're wrong.
Who held off any investigation for 5 days?
Who hindered even neutral people like the guys from the OSCE for 5 days accessing the crash site?
Who rummaged through the crash site for 5 days unhindered, moving / removing parts?

You can pick any theory that you want about what happened - these indications are pointing in one direction only.
Post edited July 25, 2014 by Siannah
Siannah: You can pick any theory that you want about what happened
Ok I picked up a new one: Maybe whoever shot down the plane was trying to shoot at the fighter jet that was spotted below the passenger plane and because they are noobs with this weapon the missile hit the wrong plane.
Siannah: You can pick any theory that you want about what happened - these indications are pointing in one direction only.
Alright, exploding cow farts.
Siannah: This is where you're wrong.
Who held off any investigation for 5 days?
Who hindered even neutral people like the guys from the OSCE for 5 days accessing the crash site?
Who rummaged through the crash site for 5 days unhindered, moving / removing parts?

You can pick any theory that you want about what happened - these indications are pointing in one direction only.
A pleasure to meet you... again.
You see, they say there was (and, regretfully, still is) a minor inconvenience called [url=]war. Of course I understand that's no excuse to you, the pro-feds should've just put everything else aside and help the Europeans.
On "removing parts": certainly, that's why the black boxes never reached Malaysians... oh wait, they did.
Those who had the right to access the crash site, got that access eventually.
You know, I kind of wonder: if the people have already deduced who is to blame, why waste EU's money and the investigators' time, you should really just send them back home to tend to some other matters. No? You still need an investigation? Then let the experts do their jobs. Please.
Sanjuro: A pleasure to meet you... again.
You see, they say there was (and, regretfully, still is) a minor inconvenience called civil war. Of course I understand that's no excuse to you, the pro-feds should've just put everything else aside and help the Europeans.
On "removing parts": certainly, that's why the black boxes never reached Malaysians... oh wait, they did.
Those who had the right to access the crash site, got that access eventually.
You know, I kind of wonder: if the people have already deduced who is to blame, why waste EU's money and the investigators' time, you should really just send them back home to tend to some other matters. No? You still need an investigation? Then let the experts do their jobs. Please.
- Civil war never was an issue, as this region was fully in the hands of the separatists.
- yes the black boxes reached the Malaysian authorities. How many days after they were located?
- where are the parts that they removed? So far nobody seems to really know, besides the separatists.
- who do you consider as "had the right to access the crash site"? As it stands right now, it seems the separatists still act as if that's mostly them and no one else.
- yes, let the experts do their jobs - that's the whole point.
How many of the 900+ separatists on location qualified as experts or at least, more than those that they held off / restricted from accessing? They even allowed local residents as help, but clearly the OSCE guys count as "opposite war party" or as spys so they had every right to restrict them from accessing / documenting.^^
Guys, what is going on with this ukrainian military pilot Captain Voloshin?
I heard from russian media that he was involved in the incident.
It was said that he had order to shoot down Vladimir Putin's plane, but shot down MH-17 instead. Those 2 planes were on the same course.
When he landed his military fighter, he was pale and said to technician: "wrong plane...".
Iirc, this technician is under governmental defense of Russian Federation now. Fate of Captain Voloshin is unknown.
vsr: It was said that he had order to shoot down Vladimir Putin's plane, but shot down MH-17 instead. Those 2 planes were on the same course.
no they weren't

his flight path was not even remotely similar. they were not on the same course at all. nor where flying at the same time.

keep that nonsense to yourself.
Post edited February 25, 2015 by lukaszthegreat
vsr: Guys, what is going on with this ukrainian military pilot Captain Voloshin?
Looks more like fake. Hard to tell without knowing what destroyed it in the first place.
Last time ukrainians destroyed civilian jet it took 10 days to name rocket type.
Here we see dead silence about facts and informational war in press.
For example, there is heartbreaking story from correctiv about bloodthirsty russians which celebrate destroyed civilian jet.
On July 17th he looked out the window and saw something incredible. “A Russian Su fighter jet was going crazy in the sky. The pilot was making the most daring stunts. It was magnificent.”
Sergej watched the air show go on and on. “I figured they must have some reason to celebrate,” he continues. Shortly after that he saw the news about MH17 on TV. “That shocked me. Was it a coincidence? I can’t say.”

What puzzled me in this "investigation" is that they used many photos, but skipped key ones from Bellingcat's investigation, only say that "CORRECT!V fact checked the Bellingcat results, their finding are convincing."

I fact checked it myself:
First photo which caught my attention on first reading was
It has rudest tracks of photoediting on top image, 23,
Later on I reread it more carefully:
This image is a joke:
Hey, these are the same truck! Proof that Russians were in Ukraine! Key evidence!
1. Different tires
2. Different doors - left has inward form
3. Left modification doesn't have winch
4. Small plate missed
5. Headlamp: different type and distance from mirror
Only similar details - small toy and plate number. And toy on the left truck has black aura, result of rude edit.
There is a website which lets you check photos for "Error Level Analysis"
A real, camera-original picture, should have a lot of white, almost like noise, over the entire picture. As the picture is repeatedly resaved (not copied, but actually loaded into a program and saved again as a JPEG), high frequencies and fine details are removed. With each resave, more frequencies/details are lost until the picture cannot get any worse (returning a black ELA picture).
Truck's check:
Toy and number plate are brightest parts of the image - definitive edit - buk with added 23. Bottom image - pristine photo, top has bright square on 23.
Well, where it starts?
First photo:
Buk doesn't belong to this picture, no white noise on it, while trees behind it have.
Bellingcat even show how it was shopped
Another interesting note about this photo:
Black triangle on the middle-right photo is the very interesting thing. This is not scaling(first photo doesn't have it), they had and edited original of close-up for this image. They know exact Buk number.
It also debunks their claim that "Russians use bad painting to hide their presence on Ukraine", because ALL photos with "bad painting" are edited.
Like this:
Notice 2 vertical lines with round edges.
Not only middle number on bottom picture differs from its brothers, they also added markings to top photo.
aura can be seen with naked eye.
Their nice fingerprints theory
Based on photoediting, you guessed it:
All numbers differ in ELA from the rest of the picture.

These people should rot in prison for covering up murder.

Let's return to Correctiv. While their cover up of bellingcat's cover up dropped like domino, it has an interesting quote.
They were on Donbass, they are witnesses and say that:
"There is a noticeable number of women in camouflage among the fighters, they carry Kalashnikovs on their shoulders."
Thing is, Russia doesn't have mandatory military service for women, while they do enroll sometimes, they mostly get job as cooks or in secretariat. sending "noticeable" amount of women with weapon is beyond probability.
Especially if you take into account their look:
Do they look like part of Russian army?
More like victims of civil war.

As for MH-17 the most loud evidence is dead silence.
Netherlands said that uncensored version of report can "hurt relationships with other countries"
What countries? Russia is blamed alone. Ukraine and its patron?
Seems so. After this half-assed report which doesn't name weapon type, let alone model, only says “Multiple objects with high kinetic energy” Netherlands got 120 tons of gold from US.
Think about it. Germany couldn't even make an audit of its gold.
Post edited February 25, 2015 by Gremlion
Developer of Buk missile system, Almaz-Antey, has conducted it's own investigation (with field tests).

Meanwhile, USA still keeps satellite surveillance information in secret and uses this tragedy to apply illegal economical sanctions (against the rules of World Trade Organization) and to "isolate Russia".
low rated
Russia rejects Dutch report on MH17, but agrees Ukraine should have closed airspace – regulator

Why they (Dutch Safety Board) are doing this? It looks like truth will be told only if nazi regime in Ukraine will fall. If they will tell truth now, this will undermine theirs possibility to support nazis with weaponry and military/political support.

Can you imagine Netherlands say: "yes, we admit that Ukrainian nazis killed our citizens, but we will support them anyway, because they are against Russia"?. Not gonna happen.

Judging by USA's (this one is hiding satellite surveilance information) and NATO actions (Netherlands is a member of NATO, subverts MH17 investigation), they are pretty sure nazi regime will be strong for many years (or they will make sure it will). USA/NATO were cultivating them for decades and have high hopes for them (Vietnam right on the border of Russia! Imagine this!).
vsr: Can you imagine Netherlands say: "yes, we admit that Ukrainian nazis killed our citizens, but we will support them anyway, because they are against Russia"?. Not gonna happen.
Oh, pa-lease.
Can you imagine Russian government and their trumpet (Russia Today) admiting its weapons have been badly used against a civil plane? I`m sure the rebels didn`t mean to shot it down, they mistaken it for a Ukrainian fighter, but that happened.
vsr: ...
Who exactly are you trying to convince here? Your Putin-propaganda is originally aimed at, and apparently works on, only Russians.
vsr: Can you imagine Netherlands say: "yes, we admit that Ukrainian nazis killed our citizens, but we will support them anyway, because they are against Russia"?. Not gonna happen.
GabiMoro: Oh, pa-lease.
Can you imagine Russian government and their trumpet (Russia Today) admiting its weapons have been badly used against a civil plane? I`m sure the rebels didn`t mean to shot it down, they mistaken it for a Ukrainian fighter, but that happened.
They why USA is hiding satellite surveillance information?
Why Dutch Safety Board subverts investigation?

Cui bono? (Who benefits?)
vsr: ...
timppu: Who exactly are you trying to convince here? Your Putin-propaganda is originally aimed at, and apparently works on, only Russians.
Finland, Finland, Finland, the country where I want to be, pony trekking and campiiiing or just watching TV, Finland, Finland, Finland, that's the country for me.

You're so close to Russia. So far from Japan, quite a long way from Cairo. Lots of miles from Vietnam.