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Atlantico: Well, I think an article that calls Gone Home a "horror game" is not doing anyone any favors.
fartheststar: +1 My thought also. There's one moment in that game that's a little bit unexpected, but in no way does it approach horror. I think some people who don't like horror didn't play it because they thought it might be scary (probably due to marketing). The game is for an entirely different audience than horror.
Now that one was a dissapointment. Had the makings of some good horror, but then you reaize the whole game hinged on an idiot plot about teen romance.
dtgreene: Just wondering what everyone thinks of this article I found.
Gersen: Personally I have always found all the whole "more diversity will makes games stories better" argument to be extremely silly.

No, more diversity doesn't make games stories any better; better writing does and the quality of writing depends of the writers talent (or lack of) and not of his/her/their gender, sexual orientation or skin color.

If anything better stories will come by giving more creative freedom to writers, not by forcing them to check as many boxes on the diversity checklist.

If writers wants to include more "diverse" characters in their stories, great, they should be able to do it, but on the other side if they don't then they should be free to do it too without being called racist, sexists, homophobist ‎, dentist or whatever or ...phobe ending words is currently popular.
Give this man a cookie.
Post edited September 20, 2015 by ScotchMonkey
TStael: [1] The issue with Tomb Rider etc is with the gaming genre. Gothic unto Risen series - male hero only. Two Worlds - male hero only. The Witcher (minus Dethmold) - male hero only. I like!

[2] You seem to wish to frame potential / eventual LGBT gamers, plus those who are their supporters, as "entitlement" crazy little freaks, whining away and trying to make gaming ... unnaturally ... diverse. When in fact, they could make gaming a better place if only they would subscribe into the standard hetero white norm, eh!

[3] But this is just a little more than hypocritical, I find. If all of us enjoy gaming, what is it away from you? Tell me, pray, so I might understand.

[4] "Rust" - ring a bell, eh, 011284mm?

If you follow gaming news, you must know the fact that gamers being randomly given a race based on Steam ID caused a lot of whimpering: "I am not a racist, but really... what the fouk, I must play as black! I wanna select my race!"

Why do you think these complaints were raised?

[4.1] I am fairly sure you did not go forth to tell those people to get on with it - because you struggle to understand why some might not enjoy their random raced CHAR, or? ;-)
1 - Okay, so I am to understand that you do not like Tomb Raider or Uncharted because of the genre. That is fine, so you did kind of answer my first question (which you cut from your response). Yet to make sure we are on the same page;
Your answer would be that - you can play as a fixed race/sex if the games story and gameplay are good enough to make these factors irrelevant. Yes?

2 - Nope. I could care less about someone elses personal frame of mind and ideology, and I do try hard to be as neutral as I can. As long as it does not bother me I have no reason to get or be bothered.
I also do not ask that people subscribe to any standard or "norm". In fact the internet is the best place to leave everything behind. You and I know nothing about one another on initial contact, and only learn about each other from what we decide to put forth or investigate about the other. We then in our own minds build up an image of what we expect of the other from this information and personal expectations.
It is our own pre-expectations of people that are thrust onto people we meet on the internet, which often then says quite a lot about someone by the way they expect others to behave.

I have never asked that people subscribe to my way of thinking, that would be madness, as there would never be anyone to talk with. I even stated in my first post in this thread:
"[I]f you still cannot find a game for you out there, then make it. "
I said this because I really do believe that having games with LGBTQQIAAP people in them is fine. Just make them good characters. I do not want to be playing a game to find there are token characters to please certain groups, that is pathetic. Worse still it is insulting, not only to them, but the players of the game too.
Make a good game, with a good story and good characters and I am there with you to play it. I do not care who I play or what they look like, just make my time enjoyable.
I also wish to see LGBTQQIAAP people in sexual situations as much as I see everyone else = NEVER. As odd as it maybe for some people, I quite frankly feel nothing at seeing sex in games. I am put off Fahrenheit, not because of poor controls, but a poor and apparently unnecessary included sex mini game. Yes when playing GTA 3-SA I sometimes use the prostitutes, but just because of their in game function. To me, those collections of polygons mean less to me then the little heath pick-ups, as they require more time and effort for the same outcome. And they steal my money.

3 - Tell me when I said you could NOT enjoy gaming. I have said gaming is an all encompassing past time, I welcome everyone and even suggest that people make the games that they feel are missing from the world to make it better. What I also say, is stop bitching. If you do not like something someone else made go and make your own games with what you want in them. People need to stop saying something is wrong without being willing to do something about it.
When I do not feel like a game is of any interest to me (Hyiku Boyfriend), I will not go out of my way to buy it. Should I buy a game (Gone Home) I give it a fair chance and when / if I do not like it, I just stop playing it and move on.
I do not complain that it was not fitting my desires in a game and want it changed. I just move on.
Lets face it a lot of people out there enjoyed Gone Home, so why should I ruin their fun? You enjoyed Risen 2, I even said I was glad that someone out there had enjoyed it, because I found the game so off putting.
I never, ever, said that you could not play a game. I would never say that.

4 - Rust did not ring any bells. I do remember a game where people were complaining that they had been given selected skins to play as based on their Steam ID.
I still think those who whined were being pathetic, but not because of the skin colours. I think that they were trying to force the game developers into accepting what the players wanted against what the developers wanted for the game.
Basically the same reason I bash on these sudo-rights going about now. It still falls into the same vein for me.
If you do not like a game, do not play it and make your own sodding game. Goes for those whingebags too.

I still feel that games should be developed by the development company for what they want to design and want to build with a good story, gameplay and experience for the audience. That audience does not always include you or me, and sometimes neither of us.

4.1 - Nope. As I do not remember those morons taking up pages and pages of GOG forums. I do believe that it was dealt with in game. I also believe that the developers banned them from playing. Which I do not agree with, unless the players got a refund. As then this was the developers pushing their ideology onto others which as I am sure you can guess, I do not think is right.

Anyway, now I have answered all you asked. You forgot to answer my second question.
"For me I struggle when people say that they can only play as female/queer/LGBT/black/asia/other in a game.
I try to wonder how they got into gaming and what games they can play. I also fear that these people miss out on some real gems because of these problems. "
Would you be so kind as to answer?
low rated
TStael: [1] The issue with Tomb Rider etc is with the gaming genre. Gothic unto Risen series - male hero only. Two Worlds - male hero only. The Witcher (minus Dethmold) - male hero only. I like!

[4] "Rust" - ring a bell, eh, 011284mm?
011284mm: 1 - Okay, so I am to understand that you do not like Tomb Raider or Uncharted because of the genre. That is fine, so you did kind of answer my first question (which you cut from your response). Yet to make sure we are on the same page;
Your answer would be that - you can play as a fixed race/sex if the games story and gameplay are good enough to make these factors irrelevant. Yes?

2 - Nope. I could care less about someone elses personal frame of mind and ideology, and I do try hard to be as neutral as I can. As long as it does not bother me I have no reason to get or be bothered.

Make a good game, with a good story and good characters and I am there with you to play it. I do not care who I play or what they look like, just make my time enjoyable.

3 - Tell me when I said you could NOT enjoy gaming. I have said gaming is an all encompassing past time, I welcome everyone and even suggest that people make the games that they feel are missing from the world to make it better. What I also say, is stop bitching.

4 - Rust did not ring any bells. I do remember a game where people were complaining that they had been given selected skins to play as based on their Steam ID.

Anyway, now I have answered all you asked. You forgot to answer my second question.
"For me I struggle when people say that they can only play as female/queer/LGBT/black/asia/other in a game.
I try to wonder how they got into gaming and what games they can play. I also fear that these people miss out on some real gems because of these problems. "
Would you be so kind as to answer?
Did I trigger something? If negatively so, sorry about it - but not about my opinion, because it is lived in, and quite authentic, and casual enough.

1) Two Worlds (I really love this one, go figure, btw!), The Witcher, The Gothic/Risen are in the RPG genre that I am a deep fancier of - and male only hero. And I like!

This was an analogy to Rider, Unchartered etc, in RPG, so there! Thou I perso require enjoyable gameplay / gameworld combined with a CHAR that does not annoy the pants off me.

But the latter point is not probably hero gender related - but as I have not played female hero only RPG, I cannot eliminate by empiric proof if I might be a phallocrat, in fact! ;-) I appreciate that smaller publishers might not afford to write everything.

But then again, when an extremely resource wealthy publisher - say, Ubisoft of Assasin's Creed, tells us that female lead hero animations were too hard to accomplish - bollocks, methinks.

2) Very admirable in principle, but what bothers you as an actual response is then again a bit hard for me to understand in practice. You could have just said: I welcome my LGBT gaming bros and sis, and their supporters, and hope they can enjoy gaming immersion as I do. If you thought so.

I simply make a point by stating that the gaming studios that I would say I am a fan to the point of "love" are: BioWare, Larian, Bethesda, Obsidian.

And I state it is not coincidence that these studios are the ones to write with greatest story ambition and incisiveness - besides delivering what I still think is the best game engine ever, Infinity.

3) Well, that would have been impotent forbiddance in any case - because what there is not to enjoy about RPG? ;-) But also - Assassin's Creed is Ubisoft property, and no-one else will write anything quite so sumptuous, I suspect. So what is your spin against fans that hoped to play a female assassin?

4) Sandbox survival, so not for me. But Garry Newman, the chief dev, is a man to my own heart, I must say. Cheeky, publicity savvy, and equalitarian. But you can surely join the discussion about random features of Rust still, if you wish, for neutrality and all that...

Edit: posted mid-way through unintentionally ("And I state it is not coincidence" -> post edit) - but I seem to have gotten italics, thou - yuippee! :-D
Post edited September 29, 2015 by TStael

Just wondering what everyone thinks of this article I found.
I wasn't too pleased that it was a bait and switch topic that leads to a possibly NSFW website which is focused on pushing their non gaming agenda instead of it being an article on how to move the market away from lowest common denominator bro games.
low rated

Just wondering what everyone thinks of this article I found.
Spectre: I wasn't too pleased that it was a bait and switch topic that leads to a possibly NSFW website which is focused on pushing their non gaming agenda instead of it being an article on how to move the market away from lowest common denominator bro games.
That website is definitely not NSFW.
TStael: I welcome my LGBT gaming bros and sis, and their supporters, and hope they can enjoy gaming immersion as I do.
1.Does an LGBTQ person identify only as an LGBTQ person and not as an RPG fan or an introvert or an FPS fan or a GoT fan or an emotional person or a cold person?

2.If you think so; and that an LGTBQ minority person only identifies as their gender and cannot relate to anything else, isn't that the same as saying there is nothing more to them than their gender and diminishing their other human elements?

3.What proof do you have that an LGBTQ person would relate more to an LGBTQ character than a straight character in a game where gender is not a plot device? Do you think the same of races? That any brown skinned person would relate more to flat effect your wish is my command Ajay Ghale in FC4 than a much better written non brown skinned person? If so you're racist.

4.Will an LGBTQ person feel more immersed as an absurdly badly written LGBTQ character or an extremely well written non LGBTQ character?

5.Why fixate on inclusiveness in one factor only? Are you implying LGBTQ people identify and immerse themselves only if the character is of their own gender? Isn't that sexist? Like how its racist comparing every black person with Martin Luther King or every Indian with Gandhiji instead of assessing each individual as an individual instead of discriminating based on some features you perceive to be the most important even though the person may not see them as that important?
TStael: I have not played female hero only RPG
You should buy Venetica and/or vote for it to come here.
I think we should stop worrying about who is a fan of the games and make a game with great mechanics, a compelling story, and a hero we can root for. Once that's been established then lifestyle can be used to round out the character. One thing to note is that sexuality rarely plays into the main story of an adventure. As an example, Heracles is renowned for his tackling of the labors and other adventures, but he also was married multiple times, sired quite a few children and had scores of male lovers.
low rated
Trajhenkhetlive: I think we should stop worrying about who is a fan of the games and make a game with great mechanics, a compelling story, and a hero we can root for. Once that's been established then lifestyle can be used to round out the character. One thing to note is that sexuality rarely plays into the main story of an adventure. As an example, Heracles is renowned for his tackling of the labors and other adventures, but he also was married multiple times, sired quite a few children and had scores of male lovers.
Of course, Disney had to butcher the story of Heracles and force sexuality (in the form of a relationship with Meg) into the movie.
227: ...Basically, I just wish people would be and make whatever the hell they want and shut up about it. And I wish people let other people be and make what they wanted without needing to make an issue out of it (and that goes for people on both ends of the spectrum). Can't we just let bros be bros, gays be gays, and games exist the way developers want to make them without needing to make the industry more or less this or that?...
Exactly this. People have different likes and that's okay (as it should be)
Nokusu: Does Okami/Okamiden count?
011284mm: Yes, a brilliant game like Okami counts.
But....antropomorphic means.....OH WAIT, you are right, I just can't actually divulge on this without spoiling the plot, I almost shat myself and on others' experiences...
What about asexual people? Because, you know, they're out there, too. Why haven't they got their own game yet?!

(If my point isn't clear enough: the world isn't black & white, folks who make a big deal out of this seriously need to grow up.)
PimPamPet: What about asexual people? Because, you know, they're out there, too. Why haven't they got their own game yet?!

(If my point isn't clear enough: the world isn't black & white, folks who make a big deal out of this seriously need to grow up.)
Well, the Doomguy was never defined sexually to my knowledge. I'd buy him being asexual before Samus Aran being transgendered though I think it's reasonable to think she's transspecies
PimPamPet: What about asexual people? Because, you know, they're out there, too. Why haven't they got their own game yet?!

(If my point isn't clear enough: the world isn't black & white, folks who make a big deal out of this seriously need to grow up.)
Actually, most games seem to be for asexual people, maybe except for those visual novels from Japan. Even the so-called relationships in most games just leaves someone in the "friend zone"...
RWarehall: Actually, most games seem to be for asexual people, maybe except for those visual novels from Japan. Even the so-called relationships in most games just leaves someone in the "friend zone"...
In which case, nobody should have any reason to feel offended. Unless lack of explicit sex is somehow "offensive" to someone. (And it probably would be, too.)
Post edited September 29, 2015 by PimPamPet